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Where can I find the Full Throttle Mac demo then?


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Okies. While we're on the subject of Mac, does anyone know if there exist any PC tools which can extract HQXes? I managed to find the Mac demo of The Dig but it appears to be in HQX format, and bafflingly, StuffIt doesn't seem to support it.

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Oooooh, yayness. Thanks very much Kirben! :D Can't wait...


BTW, I wonder how many more Mac demos were made? I know there's Sam & Max, The Dig & FT, but what about Monkey Island, or Day of The Tentacle, FOTAQ, Simon or Indy et al? Were any of them different in terms of content to the PC demos or were they simply direct ports?

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Ah, so those were the only other demos known to have been made??? Hmmm.



EDIT: Ooops, turns out those are download links! :p Man, couldn't a more stand-out colour have been selected for links? I had trouble understanding your initial Maniac Mansion Demo post first time! :D

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  • 8 months later...

What up guys! I noticed lately that ScummVM now supports original one-filed Mac data files as well. I can't really be bothered to bid for this just to get my hands on the FT Demo Mac file so perhaps somebody could up it somewhere for moi (or even us all, if you desire)?


Cheers! :D

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