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George W. Bush (conservative? I think not)


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George bush is not a fiscal conservative, he spends money like a teenage arab prince. The guy spends money like there is infinite amounts of it. For goodness sakes, there is a $600,000,000,000 defecit. I say we oust bush in 2004, get a candidate who will cut spending (and repeal some of the tax cuts temporarily) so we can have a budget surplus which we can use to fund the military forces fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan etc, then once the economy has reached some sort of stability, cut taxes.

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Hmmm... I suppose a discussion as to the "conservativeness" of Bush could deserve a separate thread.


I'd actually be interested in what rcarr328 might think about this issue specifically. I've heard several self-described Republicans state much the same thing and that they have maintained Republican status because of conservative economic strategy. These same Republicans say the same about Bush, that he doesn't represent the conservative economic idea that they desire.


Personally, I think that this is a symptom of the neo-conservative movement within the GOP. Corporate domination is the name of that game.

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I'd actually be interested in what rcarr328 might think about this issue specifically.

Well, gee, Skin, I've made no secret of my opinion of President Bush's spending (it's mentioned in at lest two of those 100000000000000 other Bush threads).


I agree with the President on the war. I agree with him on tax cuts. But I think he should be more willing to use his veto when it comes to spending proposals...mainly prescription drugs, health care, and social security. I also vehemently disagree with his proposal for illegal immigrants.


This is what dissapoints me about President Bush: his willingness to triangulate. It worked for Clinton - he'd push through a few conservative measures in order to get moderate conservative voters. This is what I disagree with the President on - pushing through liberal spending measures in order to get moderate liberal voters.

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