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I give up


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ok guys, I have a map, a fairly large map, that needs tauntauns, and I frankly can't do it. Could any of you find it in your hearts to take this map from me and make the tauntauns respawn and give it back? You would undoubtedly be thanked in the readme in a REALLY REALLY big font:) and I would be really thankful. Becase I ve been working on this map on almost nothing but the respawning and I've even had to restart, thus Im about halfway through the second time, so its not AS big. So, if any of you could take it please do.






ps: please --and I not trying to be rude here-- dont tell me how I can get these tauntauns to work, you gotta remember I've spent almost four months on these tauntauns alone and I just cant get it to work (thats why im asking this);)

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just so that you know, the simpilit way of making respanable NPCs that i have found is:



classname: NPC_vehicle

NPC_type: tauntaun

NPC_target: tauntaun1

targetname: tauntaun1

count: -1

wait: 5




classname: trigger_always

target: tauntaun1



what this does is it makes an NPC which when it dies triggeres its self to which will spawn it after a wait of 5. because the count is -1 there are an infinite number of them. The trigger_always triggers it when the bsp loads to start off the cycle (this was the part that no one said to do, they were talking about a spawn script)


I think if you wanted to get something like the hoth setup, you could have a target_dissable to stop the npc from spawning and then trigger the next one, but i am not to sure on that one, maybe wade could clear that one up

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ps: please --and I not trying to be rude here-- dont tell me how I can get these tauntauns to work, you gotta remember I've spent almost four months on these tauntauns alone and I just cant get it to work (thats why im asking this);)


he asked to not be told :rolleyes:

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He asked not to be told and you went along with it....keeping in mind the 10's of novice maps out there with spawnable stuff based on tutorials what are the chances he really did spend 4 months trying? People who have been mapping 1 month have released crap maps with respawning NPC's! Just my two cents on almost anyone who says "do this for me because I've tried and can't"


As for the things that you only want to spawn at various times you basically got the idea, once you want NPC's to stop respawning somewhere you can use a target_deactivate to stop them (I think). Although the proper way is to have a target_scriptrunner that executes the various NPC's when they are needed and you deactivate that.


I just realised how useles that bit of babble was...ah well. I'm tired today :p

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