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Can someone make a model of General Grievous (new bad guy in episode 3)


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If your expecting his arms to split in two in-game your out of luck. The skeleton and animations don't support something like that. But he could be made into a four armed NPC with a new skeleton and animations, ala rocket trooper and saber/assasin droids.


But I also doubt the game lets a model have more than one right or left hand bolt.

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Originally posted by Jdome83

I already requested this. Not trying to be rude.


He's such a big character there's bound to be more than 1 request for someone to model him. Zappa_0 also requested a model of GG be made. It's all about if it gets made, not who requested it..


Anyways can't wait to see a model of him even if his arms can't split into 4 or he can't have 4 arms.

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