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Juahni {spoiler}


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The other thing I can not seem to trigger either game thru is Juahni's final side quest. I get up to the part where ...




Juahni bumps into the guy who she knew from her youth. He says he will be back. From then on if you try to talk to here she goes straight into the "My Cathar Blood Steams.." tyrade swearing revenge or whatever. Now in both of my previous games she just keeps doing that for the rest of the game and nothing comes of it..




The last game I played I spent almost an hour doing nothing but planet hopping hoping to trigger the 'resilution' for this but it just did not happen.


Please.. I need to know what I am not doing.. or what I am doing that is wrong..


<edit> Put in the spoiler Tags.. so THATS how you do it! :)

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I've never successfully done that one either - the first time I totally missed it, the second time I was just too late. (as I mentioned in the other thread, last time I killed her!)


But the key is that you must initiate it pretty early, and then the conclusion (from what I've heard) is on another planet spaceport.


Good luck!


... oh, and you can just manually wrap your text in [spoil3r] and [/spoil3r] to get the spoiler tags correct (obviously I subbed a 3 for the 'e')



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I finally got it!! WoHoo!!


yet, also.. Doh!!


Man, some of the events and storyline in this game are very.. uh.. not 'happy'.. hmmmm....


Eventually I ended up getting it just be being incredibly patient and just planet hopping constanty. I did this for .. uh.. probably an hour-ish I would say.


The 'trick' I think, was that I was just getting out of the ship and running out of the docking areas then do a bit of jogging then going back to the docking area. I eventually triggered the 'final piece' of this sidequest not by returning to the Ebon Hawk on foot, but by teleporting back.


Now I find it VERY difficult that in total I propably put 4 hours or more (spread out over different games and returning to saves) into trying to trigger this event on foot, yet the VERY FIRST time I transport back it triggers.


This means to me that this actually needs the teleport to trigger it. Now I may be wrong (but I doubt it - Charles Barklay) but it just seems like way too much co-incidence if teleport is NOT requited to trigger this part of the game.

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