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throw you question about KOTOR 2 in this thread KOTOR 2 finallly revealed for real !!


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finally lets all get excited about this new revelation!!!! ok ok ok we all throw our questions at the people who will create KOTOR 2

(dont worry I'm just as excited as you!)


wonder if they will have the same crew as KOTOR 2?

I shore hope so

(Bastilla and carth ruled, though they were a little whiney)

will there be 2 differnent endings like KOTOR 1???

will kotor 2 be even bigger then kotor 1??


send you questions and answers here i be interested to kniow what your questions are and answers are


some info on kotor 2 revealed here


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Well, KotOR 2 wasn't officialy announced, so we can't really say anything. But there certanly will be a KotOR 2 in the future (Only when). Maybe in those magazines will be something more. But as Stanley Woo says: We have no plans to develop a sequel or a prequel to KotOR at this time. Let's just hope he's lying.

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Yeah well, but for now there are only rumors *sigh*. Some say only obsidian is makin' it, some say obsidian and bioware are makin' it.



Maybe in that magazine will be nothing more than: Rumors are gathering, as they say obsidian is makin' a sequel to KotOR.




Look, time will tell.

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Obsidian is mainly made up for former Black Isle Studios guys, and is headed by former BIS chief Feargus Urquehardt.


These guys previously created:


all 4 Fallout games

all the titles in the Icewind Dale series

Planescape Torment


Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II


Sounds like an awesome backlist to me, with a nice mix of combat and rpg-heavy titles :)

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Originally posted by dark jedi 8

is obsidian a reliable company or do you think they'll screw it up?


I don't think they'll really screw it up, but I do have my worries.

I'm afraid they might change the game too radically.


Here's the deal. If you make a sequel exactlty like the original, it's boring and you piss gamers off. If you change it too much, then it's weird and you piss gamers off. You gotta hit it right in the middle.

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My guess is that they'll keep the basic framework, with all the controls and basic gameplay elements, and more concentrate on changing the subleties.


Icewind Dale II looked very similar to the first one, but just about everything under the good got some nice improvements and changes :)

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