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script complation torture


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i am having a horrible time trying to get the nwnnsscomp.exe to work with my scripts.


here's a step-by-step of what i'm doing:


1. write a script in notepad, then i save it as recruit_rodian.nss


2. open my CMD.exe (i'm using windows xp)


3. run nwnnsscomp


4. type in: nwnnsscomp -v1.00 recruit_rodian.nss


i have also tried: nwnnsscomp recruit_rodian.nss -v1.00


since i've seen it posted both ways on here.


i get the following error message every time: "Error: Unable to open input file "recruit_rodian.nss"."


so, can anyone help me out, or even point me toward another script compiling program that is easier to use? i have some really great scripts i'd like to use in-game, but this is preventing all of them. thanks.

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Do this, this is what I have in my computer.


Go to your Kotor directory, not the override directory, I am talking about the main KotOR directory.


Open a notepad and type this:


NWNNSSCOMP -v1.00 -co Override\* Override\


Save the file as "Compile.bat". Also copy the file "NWNNSSCOMP.exe" and put it in the same KotOR main directory.


Then save whatever scripts you are editing into the Override directory under the name "blablabla.nss". Whenever you want to compile a script, just run the bat file from your windows explorer, It will compile all scripts that are in the Override folder and create a ncs file. This is the exact set up that I have and I have been using this to create all of my mods. If this does not work for you, I am not sure what is wrong.

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I have a problem with nwnnsscomp, too.

the exe and the batch file are both in the kotor main directory. When i start to compile any *.nss file in the override folder i get a lot of the same error-messages;


Leaked PSack Entry (h:\programmieren\vc7\gametools\kotor\nwntools-1.2\nsclib\nsccontext.cpp,230)

Leaked PSack Entry (h:\programmieren\vc7\gametools\kotor\nwntools-1.2\nsclib\nsccontext.cpp,340)


Compilation aborted with errors



Can somebody help me?

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I was wrong. I'm just a beginner :D


Now I have another question. Compiling scripts is not longer a problem but when I start to decompile ncs-scripts with nwnnsscomp and open the decompiled files with the editor I just have something strange, but no script.


Please, anybody able to help me?

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Decompiled scripts (the ones with the extension .pcode) appear as assembler commands. P-code stands for pseudo-code which is one step up from your computers' native code (binary). P-code is bascially numeric commands that Torlack was able to translate back into assembler commands. That's as high level as you can get from decompiling. :( You can get 'some' useful information back out, and in fact that's how Heloderamtid was able to figure out what the problem was with KSE causing players to get stuck in cutscenes.

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Originally posted by gameunlimited

Whenever you want to compile a script, just run the bat file from your windows explorer, It will compile all scripts that are in the Override folder and create a ncs file. This is the exact set up that I have and I have been using this to create all of my mods. If this does not work for you, I am not sure what is wrong.


okay, i did all this, and it worked great, once!


now every time i try to compile a script, it says: "File is an included file, ignore."




like i said, it worked great the first time, but now it gives me the same error no matter what i name the file, or what the contents of the file are.

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djowen -

Try your attempt again. Afterwards, highlight everything you see in your console window, then right click the title bar of your console window. Choose Edit: Copy and then paste it into a post on this thread. It might help others to troubleshoot.

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Unless you get the "Error: Unable to open input file "recruit_rodian.nss"." error message, most probably the problem is not the compiler anymore. Any other error messages most probably are caused by errors in the script itself.


Specific to your problem, it is probably caused by the fact that your file is an include file. Without going too deep into programming language, basically an include file does not have a "main()" function in it, and will not be compiled.

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