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Partners in Crime: The Jivva Leea and Van Lingo story


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IC: Kicking his feet up on the seat in front of him, Jivva Leea removed his helmet and smiled at the sight of Lingo holding a blaster against the speeder pilot. He laughed as the air whipped at his face, a rare thing for him to do. Between the action he had seen today and the lump of cash in store for him tomorrow, he was feeling quite exhilirated. The euphoria was short lived however.


He knew that in a minute or so he'd have to be ready to combat whatever was in store for them on Lingo's platform. He replaced his helmet and readied his blaster rifle.


... and after that there's still the Imperials to deal with...


He wasn't as worried about it as he had been before. He knew that Lingo was a capable pilot and that The Grim Fandango was a more than capable ship. He figured on being able to outmaneuver anything the Imperials brought to bear outside the atmosphere. However, when a blaster bolt sped past the speeder, his attention came back to the Cloud City guards waiting on the platform below.


He leaned over the edge of the speeder and trained his scope on a guard, nailing him in the head with a well-aimed shot. He continued firing at a leisurely pace, bringing down several guards.


The speeder pilot began to veer off course, but quickly corrected his actions as Lingo pressed the barrel of his blaster even deeper into his neck. The speeder began its descent to the platform.


Here we go...

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"I'm not setting 'er down! You fools are stuck in here!" The pilot was being very uncooperative.


"Do it or I shoot!" Lingo yelled above the blaster fire and wind.


"Then you can kill me and die in the crash, smuggler scum!"


Lingo thought frantically as Jivva assaulted the waiting guards. This is getting old...


"Jivva!" he called, "Get ready to jump!"


He knew that if they could get on top of the ship without breaking their legs, he could get them inside via the upper docking hatch.


"Last chance," he told the pilot, but the doomed man was determined to take down the mercenaries with him.


Lingo hit the man with the butt of his gun, and the craft dropped rapidly. Jivva held on miraculously as the speeder nosedived toward the permacrete.


"Come on, Jivva, jump!" Lingo held his breath and dove from the sinking speeder. A good half-dozen-meter drop, he hit the Grim Fandango's hull rolling and sprawled out with his hands covering his neck.

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OOC: Very nice...


IC: Slinging his rifle over his back and desperately trying to steady himself on the diving speeder, Jivva Leea trusted to blind luck, closed his eyes tight, and leapt from the craft. Instinct told him to curl up in a ball to minimize damage upon impact, but for some reason he only seemed to be capable of falling like a log. He heard a distinct creature-on-metal thud and assumed that Lingo had successfully landed on the ship. He gingerly opened his eyes to see where he was falling.


Not good...


He slammed very solidly into the permacrete of the landing platform, surrounded by a hail of blaster fire. He hit hard, but was seemingly undamaged aside from being very sore.


At least they're really bad shots...


He quickly rolled onto his feet and ran to the ship. "Lingo open up the docking ramp! Open it up!" He turned and fired a few shots towards the Cloud City guards, but kept sprinting towards the ship, bellowing at the top of his lungs. "LINGO, OPEN THE SHIP!"

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Crap, crap, crap! Lingo dropped down into the ship, ignoring the small lift that was rising to meet him. He rolled to the side and landed hard on the deck. Blast, we're going to be nursing broken ribs all the way to Nar Shaddaa...


He dashed to the main ramp and slapped the switch. Nothing happened.


"C'mon, c'mon!" He punched it again. Nothing.


Finally, he hauled back and kicked the door. Creaky servos and gunky hydraulics finally jumped to life and opened the ramp. "Get in here!"

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IC: Dashing full tilt for The Grim Fandango, Jivva Leea fired the occasional shot over his shoulder back at the Cloud City Security forces. He reached the ship, saw that the docking ramp wasn't open, and then exploded in anger.


That dirty, slimy, conniving, rancor-rutting, double-dealing... He's left me out here to die...


"You dirty, slimy, conniving, rancor-rutting, double-dealing nerfherder, open that ramp!!"


He dived behind a repulsor lift and used it for cover. "If you don't open that blasted thing, I'll vaporize your entire bantha-loving ship!"


He threw off his rifle and hit the maximum charge dial on it with one hand, firing back at the guards with a blaster in his free hand. He grabbed the rifle and aimed it at the door, shouting, "Last chance, partner!"


At the precise moment he had planned on firing, the door whirred and reluctantly opened. There was Van Lingo above on the ramp. "Get in here," he said.


Tempted to shoot the smuggler, Jivva Leea thanked various entities that the Corellian had decided not to kill him or leave him for dead just yet. Firing the rifle charge over his shoulder and smiling his patent grim smile, he ran up the ramp to a chorus of explosions, swearing, and painful cries from the guards.


Goodbye, Cloud City...


He turned to Lingo as the ramp slowly closed. "Remind never to go back there as long as I live," Jivva said. He slumped down, his back against the wall.


Hello, traitorous smuggler... How do you do, massive Imperial fleet...


He sighed and levelled his blaster at the Corellian for the third time that day. "Back to the tirade," he said.

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Name: Javil Gueros

Occupation: Cloud City Security Gaurd

Age: 29

Home Planet: Nar Shaddaa

Bio: Javil was born on Nar Shaddaa, but his family moved away from there when he was only three. They had lived in could city ever since. He was on the Cloud City Special Forces Unit, but he was demoted for the suspucted murder of a rich banker, but there was not enough evidence to convict him, so they simply demoted him.

Equipment: Standard-issue blaster pistol and rifle


Javil got up slowly. He could barely belive he was alive, let alone still able to walk.

ughh... Even the Special Forces wasn't this rough on you... He looked at the black-charred spot on the street, now mixed in with the red blood of the security gaurds, and sighed. I guess I should follow them...


He stood up and ran to get in one of the Cloud City cars. He pressed the ignition. It stalled. C'mon, c'mon! Start start start! He pounded the dashboard untill the engine thrummed to life.Yes! He put full power to engines and went in pursuit of The Grim Fandango .

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Good timing, slapshot.



"What are you going to do, shoot me on my own ship?" Lingo sneered. "Trust me, bub, you couldn't get the Fandango within a five parsecs of an Imp fleet, and you know it."


Suddenly, the cockpit alarms went off. Lingo trotted back down the gangway to see what it was. "Someone's chasing us in a cloud car. I can't tell if there are more than one..."


He powered up the gun turrets. They're not quads, but they pack a punch, expecially against unshielded cloud cars.

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OOC: Welcome, slapshot. One thing, use a word program to check your posts, before you put them up. It makes everything more enjoyable for everyone. Thanks, I know that I'm really anal about things like that.

Lingo, did you notice about the fleet? I took into account that Nal Hutta took place right before The Empire Strikes Back, and figured in the time difference between the two as the time when the Imperial fleet follows Han Solo to Cloud City. Just a thing, it was to keep me in character, all paranoid of being sold out.




IC: Jivva Leea waved the blaster at thin air as Lingo ran to the turret controls. He sighed and slumped his shoulders. His hand dropped the blaster to the deck and flew to his abdomen as the first spasms of flight sickness took hold.


He gulped back vomit. "Lingo, leave the Cloud Car. It can't follow us out of the atmosphere. If we need to, I'll take the turret, you worry about getting us past the Imperial fleet. It's not as if he stands a chance of boarding us in that flying rat trap, especially on my watch."


He leaned heavily against the wall and struggled to his feet. He heaved a little as he removed his helmet and steadied himself.


Come on, Jivva... Hold on, the ride is only going to get rougher... You can be as sick as you want when you get past the Imperials...


He took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled slowly through his mouth. Grabbing his blaster from the floor and holstering it, he headed to the turret bay.

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OCC: Will do F-Bomb. Hope this post is better... I don't want to screw up the awesome story you got going here.


IC: Javil turned the yoke hard to the left. The turbolaser shot just missed him. "Great..." Getting seen was not in his plans. Neither was getting shot at.


He sighed and turned the thrusters to maximum. He wouldn't be able to follow The Grim Fandango out of the atmosphere, so his only hope was to try and board the ship.


More turbolaser shots whizzed through the air. Javil turned and twirled through the air. " Well, at least I know five years of training are finally paying off.


Shots were still coming, and he wasn't going to be able to dodge them all. The cloud car shook violently. "Dang It!" The right side of the car had been hit.


Whoever's in that turret knows what he's doing... Javil cursed silently and continued his pursuit of The Grim Fandango .

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Good thinking, F-bomb. You have to have a blockade run! But let's save the big one for later -- Doomgiver wants in, and I think Nar Shaddaa would be a great spot for anyone to jump on. Let's just buzz past this fleet.

Side note: this cloud car thing is gonna be tricky... slapshot, do you plan on jumping aboard, or do you want the story to split temporarily?



Lingo looked in horror at his holocam screen. He punched the intercom control. "Don't you hurl on my deck!"


Then, for spite, he yanked on the flight stick and pulled the Fandango into a vertical climb.

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OCC: I was planning on getting shot out of the air and then Doomgiver come in to help, but I'm fine if he doesn't.


IC: A turbolaser shot hit the hull of the small cloud car. It shook violently. Dang these smugglers! They're gonna kill me if I don't fall back... And I don't exactly want to die right now...


Javil turned back to Cloud City in disgust. He would have to continue his pursuit later, and in a different vehicle. He would use his Z-95 Headhunter. But for now he had to figure out where they were going. He sat in the bar, thinking of a way to follow the elusive pair.


OCC: Doomgiver, this is where you come in if you want to side with me.

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OOC: Slapshot: Doomgiver isn't climbing on board until Nar Shaddaa. Lingo: Let's buzz!


IC: One hand covering his mouth, one hand clutching the turret control, Jivva Leea was enjoying himself. He squeezed off a final few rounds at the now fleeing Cloud Car, puzzled as to why anyone would want to follow them in such a small, unarmed vehicle. He fired one last blast at the tiny speck that was the car.


Serves the dumb son of a taun taun right...


"Don't you hurl on my deck!" The intercom speaker blared Lingo's voice at high volume in front of the Mandalorian.


Oh, he's got a lot of nerve... See how much he has with my blaster up his--


His thought broke off as the ship took a drastic climb upwards. His hands flew to his stomach, and his eyes flew shut.


The assassin roared in his stentorian voice, "Lingo! You sadistic little core-slime, when I'm done with you..." However, he never finished his threat. As he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of the Imperial blockade. Star Destroyers, TIE fighters and interceptors, and the feared Super Star Destroyer, the vessel that Jivva Leea had once called home when he was First Assassin in the Imperial Army. He stared at the fearsome fleet, and ignoring Lingo's admonishment, let the contents of his stomach splatter across the deck.


When we get to Nar Shaddaa, I'm renegotiating my fee...

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Here we go...



Corellian YT-1300s were never known as the most maneuverable freighters in the galaxy. But somehow, Lingo -- with the help of some friends back at Smuggler's Run -- had turned the clunky ship into quite an opinion-defying toy.


He turned up the sublight engines with one hand and started the hyperdrive navigator with the other. TIEs and Lambda-class cruisers streaked by as he aimed for the port edge of the blockade.

Han Solo had taught him the trick -- since the cockpit was on the starboard side of the Grim Fandango, running to the port would keep the blockade in full view.


"Hold on! Stay in the turret!" Lingo knew that even though the hyperspace coordinates would be ready, the computer wouldn't allow a jump until the Imperial fleet was farther away. If he timed it right, however, he could pull the levers and jump through the fleet.


"This might be a little rough, Jivva!" And with a sadistic laugh, the smuggler yanked back the hyperdrive levers. The ship shuddered violently -- her sublights cutting out automatically -- and shot through the fleet. Starlines blended with grey as they flew past the Imperial Star Destroyers at 0.5 past lightspeed.

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IC: A smile came over Javil's face. He knew how to follow them. He walked to the Cloud City Security Center. He pointed to a computer in the corner of the room, and said, " I need the recording of a conversation in the East Ballroom, and I need it now.


"I thought them bugging every room was a bad idea, that these guys were parinoid. Now I can see a use for it..."


Javil listened carefully. He heard Lingo's voice outlining the plan of using Nar Shaddaa as a stopping point and then proceeding on to Tatooine. He smiled again, and started walking towards his Z-95.

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OOC: Nice, slapshot.


IC: Jivva Leea hauled himself unsteadily back into the gunner's chair, trying desperately to get his shaking hands back onto the controls. Finally pulling himself into the chair, he bellowed at Lingo again.


"A little warning next time, core-slime!" When my life isn't riding on his flying skills, I'm going to beat him like a tach...


He looked ahead out of the gunner bay; Star Destroyers whipped by as the ship hit lightspeed. That is one crazy Corellian...


Seeing that the ship had bypassed the fleet in probably record time, Jivva Leea groaned and stood up, testing his shaky space legs. He leaned heavily on the corridor as he made his way to the cockpit. He was making good progress until the the ship rocked violently to one side and he was thrown to the floor.


That can't be good...


"Lingo, what's going on?"

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"Don't worry, darling, that was just the sublights. Right now, we're safe. But if I can't fix them -- and I can't -- we'll be stuck without engines above Nar Shaddaa. I suggest you get used to that turret."


Hyperspace swirled around the ship as she blasted her way through space toward the Smuggler's Moon.


OOC edit: Finally, two pages!

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IC: As Javil's Z-95 Headhunter ripped through hyperspace, he sat there thinking. " I can't pin it but I know I've seen that guy before..." Van Lingo's face was burned into his memory, somehow, someway. He couldn't quite figure out where he had seen him, but he knew he had.


Javil sat there for a while longer, reminiscing of other, happier days. Suddenly, the warning light started blinking. A loud sound rent the air, it was like a high pitched squeal. Red light filled the cockpit as Javil pulled the Headhunter out of hyperspace.


Javil pulled back on the yoke just in time to avoid a fast moving object. "What the heck was that???" He pushed the other way on the yoke to avoid another one, but this time only by a hairsbreadth.


Huge pieces of metal were drifting through the air, some quickly, some slowly. Javil could recognize the Rebellions colors on some of the pieces. He looked behind him just in time to see an Interdictor Cruiser ready to jump into hyperspace. He breathed a sigh of relief that they had not seen him. He looked back one more time, and just before the cruiser jumped, he saw the name written on the side. " The Empire's Thumb". It hit him hard.


Javil put in the hyperspace co-ordinates to Nar Shaddaa again. His mind went back to Lingo. He had seen him. He was sure he had, and now he knew where. They had escaped together on that very same crusier, nine years ago!

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OOC: *Bad soap opera music* Dun dun DUN!! Nice slapshot, but to clarify so everyone is on the same page, Jivva Leea was imprisoned and Van Lingo broke him out for reasons yet unknown.


IC: Toying idly with his blaster rifle, Jivva Leea pondered his position as he sat in the corridor.


Spacesick, no sublight engines above the crime capitol of the known universe, Imperial ships watching for DC-17m rifles, his ride carrying DC-17m rifles, a potentially backstabbing Corellian... Just great... Maybe it's time Mr. Lingo and I had a little chat...


He grabbed onto the wall and pulled himself to his feet and walked into the cockpit. He threw himself down in the co-pilot's chair and fidgeted with a vibroblade. The Corellian was obviously absorbed with something on the instrument panel in front of him as he had been in the ballroom.


The Mandalorian stood up and strode behind the pilot's seat. Kicking the chair around, he spun Lingo around to face him.


"We never finished the tirade. Why should I trust you? I think I'd be best off if I shot you and jettisoned your conniving carcass into deep space. So why shouldn't get rid of you and save my hide right now?"

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"I think I'd be best off if I shot you and jettisoned your conniving carcass into deep space. So why shouldn't get rid of you and save my hide right now?" the Mandalorian demanded.


Lingo's eyes fell to his lap, where his blaster sat with its safety off. He smirked. "The only reason for anything worth doing in this galaxy: money."


He propped his boots up on Jivva's knees. "Look, I don't want to sit on these rifles any more than you do. But this shipment could bring in enough credits to permanently dock the Fandango and open up a bar."


Jivva slapped Lingo's feet to the floor. Lingo laughed. "When the credits come in, we'll be richer than Boba Fett. You want to argue? I'll jump in one of those escape pods." He leaned in close to make sure to irritate the Mandalorian. "But you can't land this ship without me, and I probably can't survive Nar Shaddaa without you."


He leaned back in his chair again. "At least, not since they're Hutt rifles -- and they're stolen."

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OOC: Alright, since i used my character for the killer outside, i'll make a new one. And i will be your contact, as Vanlingo suggested.


IC: The fandango's computer bleeped. Van Lingo received a Hyperspace message. A scrambled image appeared on the screen. 'Greetings, Van Lingo. I called to let you know where to meet me. Go to the Drunken Krayt Cantina and ask for 'Redeye'. That is, if you're still willing to cooperate?' Transmission ended.

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IC: Javil's Z-95 pulled out of hyperspace. The ship drifted idley until it flew into orbit. There, he waited.


Half-way around the planet, Javil saw what he was looking for. The Grim Fandango was floating in space, unmoving. He quickly scrambled to get his communicator warmed up.


The ship hadn't been used in such a long time, that it took a minute to get the communicator to work. When it did, he spoke rapidly. "Grim Fandango , this is Javil Gueros. I wish to board. Please respond."


Javil sat back and waited for an answer.

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IC: Two messages bleeped in as many seconds, as sensor alarms began ringing in the cockpit. Jivva Leea scrambled to see what the alarm was about. A Z-95 Headhunter out there, eh?


"Grim Fandango, this is Javil Gueros. I wish to board. Please respond," came the message as Lingo activated the comm.


The Mandalorian charged his rifle and said to Lingo, "I can't see how it would hurt, I'm here." Lingo didn't answer, he seemed preoccupied with the the other message. It didn't matter; it came as no shock. Nothing did, not even the news that he was assisting in toting around rifles stolen from a Hutt. Sure, he felt real safe at the moment, but he was not at all shocked.


He headed off to the hatch and prepared to greet this Javil Gueros in the best way he knew how.

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IC: Javil's Z-95 pulled in next to The Grim Fandango. He landed and went to the door. "I wonder what kind of greeting I'm gonna get..," he thought.


The door panel turned green and whizzed open. What he saw made him want to run away. Far away.


There was a fully-armed Mandalorian standing there, with blasters pointed at Javil. He shuddered.


Javil decided he would try to talk his way out. "Ummm... hey there." The Mandalorian didn't move. "Do you know where Van Lingo is?"

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IC: Jivva Leea didn't answer the boarder.


"On your knees, city boy. Hands where I can see them. What do you want with this ship? You'd better have a good answer; it's been a really bad day," he snapped. He didn't like the look of this Javil Gueros, nor did he like the fact that he'd followed them from Cloud City.


Well, I could just kill him... No one would ever know...

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IC: Javil did as the Mandalorian commanded him. "Umm... I'm looking for Van Lingo. I must speak with him. I must know where he is. (and seriously, VanLingo where are you?) And who knows? Maybe I can help you out."


The Mandalorian didn't answer right away. Javil's hand strayed to the blaster in his belt. "Dang, I hope I don't have to use this. This guy would lick me in a fight."

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