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You can attach a misc_model to any sort of func_ entity (func_train, _door, _plat, _rotating, _usable, _breakable, _glass, etc) by placing the model in relation to the func_ and then targeting the model at the entity (select misc_model, select func_ ent, hit CTRL+K). Then, the model will follow the func_ entity wherever it goes. Not that if your model is halfway across the map in relation to the func ent, it will stay halfway across the map, but will just move however the func ent is moving.


I'm not sure what you mean by "be triggered." If you mean can you have the func_breakable be destroyed by a trigger and have the model go with it, then yeah. I'm pretty sure that when you target a misc_model at an entity that it effectively becomes part of that entity and will blow up if you destroy the func_breakable.


There are some other options that I KNOW will work. First, try using a misc_model_breakable ( :) ). Second, create your func_breakable out of invisible brushes, say clip brushes, and then in the entity properties for the func_breakable, add the key/value model2 / path_to_model.md3 - there's more info on that in the ent help description.

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