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The first relevant Rogue Leader post ever in this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Darth Sceltor

Originally posted by flamin_tie:

Oy...okay---starfighter is much better by looking on a few fronts...

1) Graphics- RS2 does have DECENT graphics...but sheer data size goes to Starfighter. (btw- I did fight for a Starfighter forum here...all my requests were shot down.)

2) Storyline- If RS2 will be anything like RS, the story will suck. Don't get me wrong, I loved RS, but the story had no point to me. at least in starfighter you are following a progressive story line that includes more than one character. And the ships kick arse.

3) PRICE!!!- First off, the cube system is gonna cost a fortune, and is only a quick-fix to catch up to sony and sega's latest systems, and it is gonna cost you a small fortune. On top of that, if we have learned anything from nintendo's game sales, the cube games are going to be costing upwards into 70 bucks a piece....at least with PS2 games like SF, its an even 50 or less.




What Grand Admiral Ice said...


I don't know what you're saying about Sony an Sega's latest systems. PS2 has only been out for a year, so it will be a while before Sony makes a new one. Sega has officially announced it will no longer make hardware, hence, Dreamcast is dead. You fail to mention anything about Xbox. Not that I care about Xbox. My loyalties lay with Nintendo, so :p.


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Guest Redwing




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue15

*tries to inhale but finds out he can't and passes out due to lack of oxygen*



For the Empire. ships_em_anim.gif

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Wait a minute... we're all forgetting a very important fact here about RS2... it's one of the GCN's first generation games so it'll have limits... once things start to kick in then better games will be realesed. I know that you all wanna hijack an AT-AT and blow some stuff up but we all gotta remember that there are restrictions to what we can and can't do with the current level of technology!




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Guest Red Leader Ace

It still looks like one heck of a game though! Did you say that the storyline is set within the movies? If so, then great! The Hoth screenshot looks amazing, and, it may seem unimportant, but I like the fact that you can see the whole Rebel Army defense together, and all the troops together. It just looks cool to me!

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Guest Rogue15

u can control the ground troops too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






If you happen to find a powerful warrior whose face is hidden behind a helmet, staring in your direction, just know that the warrior is I, Rogue15.


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Guest RogueBothanBob

I didn't think you can control the ground troops, i thought they're just there in amazing detail. Where did you haer about controling the ground troops, Rogue15?




[This message has been edited by RogueBothanBob (edited August 14, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

*shakes head* Some people.... tongue.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


-custom made by S1DC Technologies

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  • 1 month later...
Guest dimetrodon

too lazy to read the whole thing..


but the best part of the hot level is flying an x-wing.

new for this game you can change ships mid mission


on bespin you can switch to a cloud car biggrin.gif cool


btw i am new here

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Okay, I've just been reading through all the posts and ppl still have doubts...


First of, the GameCube will be $100 cheaper than the PS2 when it is first released. The games and accessories will be around the same price as Sony's system, but the actual console will be cheaper.

While the GameCube is more powerful than the PS2 and basically dead even with the X-Box (my opinion, if you wanna know why then ask me), it can't play DVD Movies. This is for one simple fact. Nintendo doesn't want a system that can do everything, they want a system dedicated to doing one thing. Playing games, that's all.

Some ppl think that Starfighter is still better than RS2. Obviously those ppl haven't seen the pics and video clips of RS2 and how far it's come since the first media files were released. This is a whole new generation we're talking about. While Starfighter is a decent game, RS2 will blow everyone off their feet when it does come out.

What about what flamin_tie said:

"hate to be gloomy gus here...but to be completely honest...RS2 doesnt hold a flame to Starfighter....they havent spent nearly the time in program code...all they did was revamp the original RS coding to fit the cube graphics."

I'd hate to say it, but he doesn't know what he's talking about. Battle For Naboo was running off the RS1 engine. RS2 is a completely different ball park. You can't just expect to get a game engine and just graft new technology onto it.

Well that's all I have to say for today...




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Guest snooozer

actually, sorry, i hate to be such a nitpicker, but BFN was not runnning of the RS engine.


they completely scrapped the RS engine and started over from scratch when making BFN. this is straight from the mouth of Julian Eggebrecht and other Factor 5 people like Thomas Engel. i can find the interview if you wish. its straight from the horses mouth.


besides, even most "casual" gamers CAN notice differences between the flight engines of RS and BFN.


check out my new post for new info and pics on Rogue Leader.

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