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Swoop racing on tattooine.


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For the love of Pazzak!! Does anyone have any tips on winning the third tier on tattooine? I'm trying to beat 22:51 so Nico will talk to me about the stupid contract. I've come close (22:68), but can't get any faster. Any ideas?





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This will only help for the pc. When I found the swoop races hard, I had my brother control acceleration with the mouse while I steered using the keyboard. I was able to do it on my own my second time through the game. By the way, the racing bonds(and most other items) are worth more(2x!) to the rodian on yavin. (the far left planet). Also, if you convince nico to accept the bad contract, you get dark side points.

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Another tip for future playthroughs is that the time to beat is based on your time on taris (i forget how) in the same way on taris the first time is always beaten so its easier to go really slow for an easy second race this time then affects the time you need on tatooine as i said i forget exactly how.

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Nope. It's always the same.


22:51 has always been the same time for me.


Anyway, it's rather easy to finish the race with a time below that(21:87 is my record). You just have to pass over the accelerator pads. The beginning is the most important. Try to touch everyone one of them. After you've gained top speed, don't stop going over the pads. Keep going over as many of them as you can.


That's all I can think of.


hope it helps in some way or another.

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