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Monkey Island ........STUFF!

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was wondering if there was any memoribilia of monkey island to buy....posters especially but shirts and stuff as well.....there doesnt seem to be any....i've searched high and low including that worldwide garge sale that is ebay...if there isn't any monkey island stuff then i spot an area for lucasarts to cash in on (might encourage them to make no.5) but if there is can someone give me a link anywhere?

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Originally posted by Long Live MI

was wondering if there was any memoribilia of monkey island to buy....posters especially but shirts and stuff as well.....there doesnt seem to be any....i've searched high and low including that worldwide garge sale that is ebay...if there isn't any monkey island stuff then i spot an area for lucasarts to cash in on (might encourage them to make no.5) but if there is can someone give me a link anywhere?

Well I see a poster right here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3088954233


(yes it is mine but you asked)

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