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Picking party members


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Hey guys I need some advice. Right now I have a scout/sentinel character who is pretty balanced and I need some advice on who to use in my party. Should I use all jedi or do the other members outweigh any of the jedi? Right now I kinda like using Carth b/c he's a nice guy and b/c I got him two really sweet pistols and he kicks ass with master rapid shot. I also like Bastilla cus she's also a balanced player that can act as support and fight on the front lines. Now, about the other guys: I haven't gotten HK47 yet, but I have my doubts about droids since they can't be force healed, need repair skill/parts and have limited uses of weapons. Also, Zaalbar seems like a decent guy since he's so strong but is he better than a jedi party member.




P.S. please don't post any spoilers after the first time u land on Dantooine :)

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Yeah T3 with a couple of decent blasters and well chosen feats can actually be handy especially against dark jedi (none of whom as far as im aware have destroy droid etc) as droids are immune to those nasty mind affecting powers

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