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Water / Underwater Vehicle


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This is a simple idea I had, which can probably be pulled off through creation of a ship since they can 'fly' underwater. Although, if through coding a hovercraft-themed vehicle could be made that floats on water as a Swoop Bike currently hovers on land, I think that is the next step in JA vehicles.


The only SW vehicle I can think of for submersible vehicles is the Gungan Bongo. Thought, I am sure the Imperials created something for transversing over sea . ;)


Suggestions, ideas, opinions, flames, or concepts?

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Swoopbikes hover on water as well as land, so other hovering vehicles might work on water too. I've never tried it since there aren't very many maps with water. Now I'm curious so I'll probably go try it. :)


Submersible vehicles would be cool though. They'd make for some interesting multiplayer maps.:D


I don't know if and how much code would be required for that though. RenegadeOfPhunk has made a lot of code additions for new vehicle types, so he'd be a good person to ask.:)

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The problem with the aiwha is since it is an animal, it would probably require new animations for the wing movement, most vehicles on the other hand are inanimate requiring little animation. But yes, it would be great to ride around on one. :p


I think an underwater vessel on land should catch fire like a swoop after a time or generally not move, but instead be only usable underwater. Maybe even the ability to push the vehicle into water terrain would be fun. :)


There is a more advanced path of going into coding, but at the moment I think even a ship that looks like an submersible vessel would go down great, even if it could fly through the air too. :D


It is a shame all nautical aspects of the game have not been improved; animations, vehicles, abilities. :(

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