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Secret of Monkey Island - Missing Disk

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Originally posted by ZeroCredibility

Why is it illegal to ask for a single disk out of the entire set? It's the only one I'm missing! Surely you've lost a disk before?!

Perhaps you could be more helpful by giving me options instead of stating platitudes and playing the advocate.


I really would have like to have given you some better advice, but it is illegal and this board looks down on helping people do these illegal things, no matter how small the act (be it the copy of one disk or one file).


I think Slinkie gave you some better advice than I did, and it may work provided you've got the original disks (not accusing you of anything, but a lot of people make copies of the disk for backup and then lose the originals) and some time to wait. sorry.

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It may prove easier and more useful to simply bash my head against the moniter a couple dozen times. I could pretend that there are no moral or ethical principles that are ultimately served by laws, but then I would be as ignorant as those who claim to uphold them.

I understand your automaton attitude that law is unquestionable, and wish you well in any future endeavour that may involve a slightly different interpretation when considering a moralistic stand point.


All the best,

Follower of moral and ethical principles.

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Oh don't get me started fish boy. Remember, personal isn't the same as important, and that can be interpreted in two ways so don't take it for face value.


"Follower of moral and ethical principles."


That's just a wee bit harsh, don't you think. For a start, you're basing that on one simple action. I'm not proposing you get to know me, you obviously can't do that to everyone you decide to judge. But please note, just because I won't help you play a game (and lets also note that Skinkie has basically given you some good advice there, I'm not taking credit, I'm just saying, now you can play the game) because the way you want to do it is ethical doesn't mean I live my life by ethics or morals.


Remember, the end doesn't always justify the means. In this incident, it doesn't. Please note that the rules are laid down by the admin of this site and if I break them, I lose my mod statement, doesn't mean much to you, but you were basically asking me to risk it to help you and so the end didn't really justify the means for me.


So now I wish you well in any future endeavour that may involve you suddenly finding that you misjudged someone completely because you took them at first glance. I do so hope that it doesnm't end badly for you, as you obviously do me.


Good day sir.


P.S. My comment was no more platudious than neccessary and I am no ones advocate.

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I run a fansite (not Lucasarts related) on which copyright infringement is a big thing. We've seen what can happen if the owner of the content decides to crack down. The Staff here is wise to not even look at the line, much less cross it.


I dunno about you, but I wouldn't want to be in a legal fight with George Lucas's company.


Of course, it wouldn't necessarily come to that, but we're all fans of Lucasarts' games, so we should want to honor the integrity of their copyright... no matter how simple or innocent a request may seem.


I'm not posting to comment on the "moral character" of any poster, I'm just chiming in with my two cents.

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