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Dagnabbit! Where's the REAL Multiplayer info???

Darth Evol Baby

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I don't know why all the instructions aren't in the instruction book that comes with this game.


I need a 'Be all and end all' multiplayer tutorial that covers every function in multiplayer. From starting servers to accessing maps to adding maps etc.


I get tired of having to piece together bits and pieces of stuff from several boards and what-not.


Not everyone knows what everyone is talking about.


Faster I can get all this info the faster I can make kick-butt models and maps.


I definitely want my 'The Bride' model from 'Kill Bill'.

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Dedicated Servers Forum, click on it and start reading, starting with the stickies.


You'll find everything you need (assuming you've already read the manual and readme's, including the readme's included with the "dedicated server" exe's).


Keep in mind the forums are just trial-and-error or general knowledge from the experience of users. You use it at your own risk, still, it's the best info you're going to find to help you, you just have to do some reading, you can't expect it all to get posted in one easy thread (as with all frequently asked questions if we went that route we'd be reposting everything every day).


If you want editing tips (for skins, modelling, etc) you will HAVE to visit the various editing forums, there's no short way around it. Either you read the info or you don't. Again, you can't expect all of that info to be reposted every time somebody asks. So visit the JA editing forums for stuff about mod making.



Good luck!

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