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getting the game soon...


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a few questions before i get it

1.what faction, race and class(good one for a newbie to make lots of cash) should i start out with when i began to play?

2.plus i heard you can be a jedi and every hunts you how do you become one?

3.Can you get a house and if so does it cost a lot?

4.which server is good for newbs

5.will anyone help me start out on the game online?

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Welcome to SWGalaxies.Net Forums, a sub forum to Lucas Forums.


Now, for your questions:


1. Class for money, I guess starting as a Marksman should do in the beginning. You can always switch and try something else whenever you want.

Race is by your preferance, it really doesn't matter that much. Take the race that you feel comfortable with.

Faction you will have to earn first. You need 200 factionpoint standing with either the Empire or the Rebel Alliance before you can join them. The Empire is in need of new recruits pretty much on all servers. People seems to have misunderstood who's the strongest part in this war. :D

!NB! If you choose the Empire I suggest you pick a human character as all aliens recieve a factionpoint penalty for being non-humans when you want to upgrade your rank or get NPC support, AT-ST, stormtrooper armor, etc.....


2. Right now you have to grind thru various professions to unlock it, but in a near future patch it will change to a quest based system. I suggest though not to get too much into Jedi, as this is not a Jedi game, nor timeperiod. You will have to accept being hunted down by other players ruthlessly if it is known that you have become a Jedi.


3. Yes, you can get a house. They cost around 8000 to 10000 Cr (normal price) for a small one to up in the 60-90000 Cr for a large one.


4. That I don't have any opinions about as I only play on one server, Starsider.


5. There's plenty of Helpers in the game. You can see who they are by the title below their name: Helper.

These people have chosen to be available to new people and are usually knowledgable about the game machanics, atleast the basics. :)


Hope this helps. ;)

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