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Messeges: Episode 3

Guest Rogue9

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Guest Rogue9

I might be interseted in buying that Dominator Class Trael, I have a mission perfectley suited for its unique capabilities...

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Guest rebel alliance

thosw are some odd readings there rogue3 because my fleet is most definately NOT at mon calamari. I would say where it is but since you can read this it is classified. I can tell you there is a little surprise there for you.

*hits private channel* direct your fleet to just out side the calamari system treal and horn. it shall be his down fall i have set up a little surprise for our little friend. don't worry everybody is protected. you might want to set all you electronics to frequency 786258.65. biggrin.gif

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Guest rebel alliance

oh ya that's not my fleet there but they are my 'ships'. oh ya we should get there (rim of the system) a tiny bit after he does prepeare you weapons and lock on enemy ships when they come into range. sit tight and fire when i say. lock you heavy weaponry on his flag ship and heavy armoured ships pick a traget and fire. reseve supe lasers for quantum armoured ships. it's gonna be a hell of a show biggrin.gif

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Lord Janson I sense some thing is wrong, some thing.............is wrong. Helm stop all engines, full reverse.

I have a bad feeling about this. GET US OUT OF HERE Before they arrive. Set your course for the Hoth system, I hope our base is still there. Soon the rebellion will be crushed an I will control the Galaxy.



Roll the TIEs and Light the skies.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Rogue9:

I might be interseted in buying that Dominator Class Trael, I have a mission perfectley suited for its unique capabilities...


I'm willing to strike a bargain, also I might consider offers for other starships or fighters, as I'm not very happy with some of them. But you'll have to make any repairs to the "Squeeze" yourself, I'd like to conserve funds.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

*arrives in the system his fleet is located in with his companion*


c: He is running.


Trael: Who?


c: Your enemy.


Trael: Can you sense the location of his destination?


c: Yes. *Trael brings up a holographic starmap on the speeder console, his companion points at a place* There. In that system.


Trael: Why--that's the Hoth system! What could he possibly want there?


c: You're not the only one who's wondering that. I sense yet another being from your home dimension. It appears your hunter has become prey...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Intelligence Reports indicate that Rogue3 will atempt HyperComm Access Tomorrow, prepare the Fleets we're in For a slugging match, who knows RogueFett might even show up... biggrin.gif

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Rogue9:

of course intell has been known to make mistakes...from time to time


LOL biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Lord Janson fleet comes out of Hyperspace and see's Rogue9's fleet along with Redwing and R.A.

Lord Janson


FIRE AT WILL! do not stop untill their hulls are nothing but floating space debris. Concentrate all fire and that super star destoryer, Launch the FIGHTERS! THEY ALL WILL DIE!


soory it took so long I have been having problmes with the net!



Roll the TIEs and Light the skies.

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Guest Redwing

ummmm...Lord Janson, my fleet hasn't yet joined Nine's and RA's.


I think your mp3 screwed up Nine, this page wouldn't load till you removed it... frown.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

nope I just shut my Computer down while I was out of town, Rommie travels with me but my desktop stays at home. frown.gif

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Guest Redwing




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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as lord janson starfighters are launched, his captial ships begin a relentless attack on nine ships! explosions on the hull and pices of metal rip apart and float in space, then two of his Star Destoryers blow apart and sail down twoards nothing ness!

In side the bridge of Hawks nest, all the crew members cheer as the star destoyers are going down

Lord Janson Don't cheer yet, cheer when the SSD are down and out! concentrate all FIE on the Flag ship of Corran Hors Fleet!


Sorry Red wing, but Nine's music did cause some trouble for me but thanxs for the correction!

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Guest Rogue9

you forget, your pitiful star fleet can not harm the Republics Pride, tremble you shall little man, you have angered the alliance and I suspect our anger is most lethal indeed.


to Lancer Class Ships: Targets Janson's fighters


to cruisers: concentrate your firepower on the super star destroyer, Fighter Crews to your ships.


Today we will win Glory for the Horn Alliance and All of our Allies.




[This message has been edited by Rogue9 (edited May 20, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Oyyy. Some of my fleet has been called away on other (secret) business (wonderful timing!) so I'll be arriving sometime in the middle of this battle...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

co. begin charging the rebubleis pride IV's super laser I want it ready when we enter the system you too eclips classes*ra's fleet comes out of hypers space and enters the system* mind if I join the party? biggrin.gif

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