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The Cantena(a MSGBRD RPG)

Guest Lt Cracken

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Guest rebel alliance

as much I'd love to take part in this rpg i don't have the time to read all 8 pages of it so i won't good bye


[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited April 01, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Just read the first page, that's all you really need to know biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing





Ahem: My name is Termand Rwos aka another of Redwing's alternate personalities wink.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

**blocks weapon with energy-charged sword, current zaps Nine**

So there.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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*Drops out of hyperspace and heads toward Selonia. Opens a glove compartment and grabs a Blast-Tec44 blaster and a the tip of a sword made of ice is exposed from his sleeve.* Time to go on a killing spree

*Hops out of the "Blizzard" and closes the hatch and calmly walks out of the spaceport.*



Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!

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Guest Redwing


Cool sword biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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*Senni runs back into the cantina, muttering to herself,*

"Darnit, I forgot to leave a tip. If there's one thing Karrde drills into your head, it's to always make a good impression of yourself. And skipping on the tipping is a good way to get an angry bartender even more ticked off. They don't forget cheap patrons quickly.

Awe crap, the brawling boys are still here. Better make this quick"

*Steps up to the bar and digs into a pocket for some spare creds*

"Bleh, what the heck is this?"

*pulls out an old, half-eaten bruaalk and cheese sandwich* "Gross!" *and tosses it onto the counter with the creds*

"Now I'm outta here. I'm supposed to meet Aves at Docking Bay 34 in half an hour! Finally I'm gonna get off this rock!"

<font size=-2><font color="#414141">



[This message has been edited by Lujayne (edited April 04, 2001).]

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*Sends a telepathic message to Corran.* "You Jedi are overconfident of your abilities. Believe me, your lightsaber can do little damage to my sword. It's made of a very special type of ice found only on one planet. It has a very high melting temperature and it's molecular structure prevents your lightsaber from cutting through. I admit, the force is a powerful thing, but Jedis are not the only ones who understands it."


What bartender? Crackhead hasn't been here for years.



Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!

Yvan eht nioj!


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited April 04, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited April 04, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue9

unfortuantley for you you don't seem to relieze that the only think in the SW Univers Expanded or Otherwise that stops lightsabers in Cortosis Ore, which has nothing in Common with ice and is extremely brittle to anything else biggrin.gif

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Guest Redwing

There are other things...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Quantum armor


Most swords produced by the organization Termand belongs to (they're real big on blade weapons, and in fact often are referred to as the Swordsmen)


Termand's plasma-charged sword (it's the metal alloy not the energy that deflects)


that's about all



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue15

Which target do I have to destroy?



*hops into his newly bought Missile Boat designated "The Arsenal of War" which is fully loaded with advanced concussion missiles, AND advanced proton torpedos*

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Guest Redwing


Why does the other launcher on Missle Boats have to have concussion missles? Those are the weakest torps ever!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Slices through controls on missle boat

Doesn't seem like as good of a deal now doees it, retreats before R15 can retaliate biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue15

Takes off after R9 in his custom built Imperial Landing Craft with its specs being:


Cloaking Device

Scram Jets

Advanced Proton Torpedos

Ion Cannons

Laser Cannons



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Guest Rogue15

ahhhhhghhhhhh darnit! it malfunctioned on takeoff and i had to do an emergency landing! Almost all my money spent on that!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, i'll just get into my standard TIE Bomber, which is hyperspace capable, and loaded with space bombs. Nothing will stop me now!!! I must remember to test-fly everything before i buy it!


*Takes off in TIE Bomber* ok, anybody want to be my wingman?


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