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Attack on Cilpar

Guest The Master

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Guest Redwing

OOS: umm. Excuse me, NO.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Originally posted by Admiral Daala:

Large bulk cruiser flys up to the wreck of the Fist.


The Fist of Sullust, fully repaired, enters hyperspace.

A transmission is sent by the (NEW) captain of the Fist.

ADMIRAL DAALA:Greetings, puny rebels. I have made this ship more powerful than the Death Star it has five superlasers and lots more its like the Helix Customised Death Star smile.gif x 1000000. I'm heading for Coruscant so let me just say...goodbye. Let be give you a leaving present.

The EMPORER steps forward!!!!

EMPORER:I have returned! Prepare to die!

He uses a force power everybody apart from Rogue Squadron is killed!

EMPORER:Goodbye, puny Rebels!


Just thought you'd like to know that Daala Joined the New Republic in "Planet of Twilight" Obviously you merely an Impersonator and you will be dealt with accordingly

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Guest Redwing

*wakes up to find himself being transported in a moving prisoner-transport*

**looks around---he's alone in a cell with two stormtroopers directly outside**

Whoa,where am I? What happened?


[Guard 1:] Shut up, prisoner! You're going off-planet to Serken Prison, the most secure prison in the galaxy. And don't even think about using your Force powers on us, Corran Horn. The cage you are in is a Force-blocking cage. Not even the most powerful Jedi can escape one of those.


[Redwing:] But I'm not Corran Horn, and I'm not Force sensitive!


[Guard 1:] Nice try. That's the worst attempt at a lie I've heard in a long time.


[Redwing:] But---


[Guard 1:] Shut up or we'll stun you.


[Redwing:]*thinks to self:* Hmmmm, this could work to my advantage...


OOS: biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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*The FoS begins firing at the Frozen Fury.* What the hell?! *Opens a channel.* What the hell are you guys doing? *Begins banking and turning to avoid the turbolaser blasts. A voice on the comm says:* The NR does not take lightly to traitors. *The channel is abrubtly closed and the turbolasers continues to fire.* What have I gotten into now?



The FOS was not destroyed, it hypered out moments before the attack and it's 100 light years away from Clipar. Which is also my current location, it wasn't rebuilt or anything and Palpatine is dead.



For the empire! MY empire.

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Ummm...Wade, I think you are hallucinating---one Star Destroyer couldn't destroy Coruscant (otherwise it would have been done long ago) rolleyes.gif And this RP is semi-reality based...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited July 03, 2001).]

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Guest The Master

OOS: Who ever is making these puppets, please. They are starting to become annoying. And aren't we haveing to many of the OOS's? Okay back to story.


*Quickly lands X-Wing and jumps out. Then runs to the Rogues who were on the surface.*


Give me a quick update!

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Guest The Master

So I am stuck down here on planet with you. Well, I hope they are having a jolly time. Lets get to works.


*Walks into hanger.*

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Ah yes and don't forget the hangar full of super-ships biggrin.gif You'll need to do something with them...


BTW I'm STILL waiting to be rescued, Corran...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Where's th inhabited planet R5??? *The droid beeps and plugs in the coordinates to the planet.* Let's hope the FoS doeesn't tear us apart before we get their.



An Eclipse-class Star Destroyer has a superlaser, and the FoS was never destroyed in the first place, so let's drop it! Okay?



For the empire! MY empire.

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I know how to end the superlaser star destroyer!


lands on Yavin IV

Warns Master Luke

Master Luke alters time. Everything has happened bar the FoS crashing, and the star destroyer stuff.

Suddenly realises that he should be onboard the FoS but hes not so is caught in a rip of time and trapped on some far-out planet.

Master Luke takes five Jedi on a mission to rescue him. Also asks Rogue Squadron to help.

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Guest The Master


You really compacted that down into a few words.


Back to the story...


*Master walks into the hanger and looks over the imp ships. He starts putting explosives on various ships, disabling the imp's transportation.*

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Hey! You're supposed to capture the ships, not destroy them!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Looks like the FoS stopped shooting at us. *Turns around to see a flight of A-Wings coming out of the hangar.* I knew I should've finished that cloaking generator last week instead of putting it off til next month.


OOS:Aren't you still in FoS's medical ward, Wade?



For the empire! MY empire.


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited July 09, 2001).]

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A bulk cruiser flys up and rescues me, but comes under attack from Imperials.

General Reeikan transmits a message to Rogue Leader.

REEIKAN:Commander, the Jedi and Wade are under attack, but the FoS is also under attack. What's it going to be, Commander?



G_A_I, i flew to Yavin to end all this star destroyer superlaser gibberish. For the full story, look up.

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