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Lynk Former

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Guest Redwing

I'm here! Where's the battle? biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Okay first we'll have to figure out a story... Hmmmmmmm... I'll layout a rough idea first...


Three worlds... (names unknown) are at war with each other. 1 is New Republic, another with the Empire and the other is an inderpendant world. They are fighting over a fourth planet that has... er haven't figured that part out yet... and so anywayz, the tension gets so bad that the Empire has called in a fleet into the system, same with the inderpendent world who has hired many mercenaries and bounty hunters and yada, yada, yada... Now of course the Republic will end up arriving and that's where we begin with the huge battle thingy...

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Guest Redwing

Hmmmmm. *thinking*



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

How about the third world is Hutt-controlled. The new planet has some kind of naturally occuring element that has some military value maybe? ANd what time does this take place? What kind of technology is around? Let's think of something CRAZY!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Hmmmm, we need rules as well. We'll see what develops.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Ah! A new alien technology has been discovered! But the people who have gone down to the planets surface haven't been heard from since! All three sides don't know what kind of technology it may be... it may be the most powerful weapon in the galaxy or just a new type of blender... Howz that?


Okay I have figured out my character. I have decided to go with the New Republic, but I'm not going to lead the task force, I'm only going to be the Commander of a squad of E-Wings called Phoenix Squadron. I'm human, male, age... 26... yada, yada...

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Guest Tie Guy

How bout the world holds the secret to the unknown regions, like in the novel....which one was it again?


Anyways, the third world world belongs to Supreme Warlord Zanghi...me!


Your E-wings are no match for my SSD.


"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."


[This message has been edited by Tie Guy (edited July 24, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

We need rules. Like limits on fleets! (This isn't a Messeges episode for crying out loud!) biggrin.gif What is the new technology? Where will the action take place?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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It's a paralel universe... of course... so the technology is upto when the E-Wing was first released. The action will take place at a part of space called the Delmarri Nebula which is inbetween the four systems... oh and another thing, the nebula is very volatile so any explosions that occur in it will be 5 times the norms... hehe biggrin.gif There is an are ancient defense system around the unknown planet but the technology is so strange that their attacks can go through any1's shields. The only safe way to the planet is through the nebula.... but more on that later...


The limits with fleet sizes... I will permit:


1 Super capital ship

8 Capital ships

20 Support ships

The fighters may vary depending on strength. Example if your fleet of starfighters is made up of TIE Fighters then you can have say 1000 compared to a fleet made up of TIE Defenders which is about 200... The main character (us) may take a lot to kill but other minor characters (played by no one) will die pretty easily...


Here's what you can't do...


You can't...

- Bring in any type of reinforcements whether its a single TIE Defender or another Death Star.

- Retreat. this is a fight to the very end!

- Defect to other sides or team up with your adversary.

- ... well I'll think of more later...


Got it?...

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Guest Redwing

The defecting thing...I think we should allow that otherwise this may never end wink.gif (I say this from experience---all the Messeges episodes ended with a defection or a surrender biggrin.gif )


I'd say the upper limit to starfighter strength would be a TIE Defender. NO SUN CRUSHERS!!!


What kinds of starfighters should we have? Should there b a limit to the number of types allowed?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Agreed... defections and surrenders are allowed... I will allow the crappest starfighter out there to things like E-Wings and TIE Defenders... no cloaking devises at all! No tractor beams! This is just gonna be a laser, torp and missile starfighter battle theme going!

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Guest Tie Guy

Good, then shall we prepare our fleets?



"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."

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Guest Tie Guy

I just thought that we should specify exactly what we have before we start.



"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."

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Guest Redwing

Yes that would be a good idea, of course. smile.gif


We need a limit on special technology.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, nothing invincle. And no foreign technology, only existing stuff.


Shall we start?



"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."

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Okay the Republic fleet will consist of 1 MC90 (Flagship) 2 MC80b's, 2 MC80s, 4 Dreadnaughts and 6 Blockade Runners... I'll add up how many fighters there are relative to the amount the capital ships can hold... oh I almost forgot about the 15 Assault Shuttles... biggrin.gif Okay that is well under the limit now someone who is willing to be part of the Empire can create their fleet... same with the Hutts...


[This message has been edited by Lynk Former (edited July 26, 2001).]

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm no Hutt. The Third world belongs to Supreme Warlord Zanghi, me. I shall now crush you and all other warlords with my fleet. Here it comes:


1 SSD Nightshadow

2 Imp II Star Destroyers

2 Star Destroyers

2 Victory Class Star Destroyer

1 Carrack Class Crusier

1 Escort Carrier

1 Strike Crusier


All Ships are fitted with Standard TIE/ln's and TIE interceptor. Ther is also 1 elite squadron of TIE Defenders.


That should be more than enough to crush you.



"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."

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Guest Redwing

gotta put together my fleet, hold on biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Dang it! Lynk's here! Now I actually have to do it tonight! biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Note: Besides the other fleet rules, we need craft for utility purposes---landing craft, shuttles, transports etc. I'd say a good limit would be 40 msc transport-type craft. They don't really fall into the support ships category since they're so small.



Anyway, my fleet:



7 squadron Dodonna/Blissex (Incom production model) RZ-3 A-Wing Mark II class fighter (84)

6 squadron Slayn and Korpil "Blade" B-Wing class fighter (72)

6 squadron FreiTek TX-75-A E-Wing class fighter (72)

5 squadron Cygnus Alpha class Xg-1 Assault Gunboat (60)

5 squadron Cygnus Beta class Missile Boat (60)

3 squadron Incom I-7 Howlrunner class fighter (36)

2 squadron Sorosuub Preybird Mark II class fighter (24)

4 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12h Skipray class Blastboat (48)

3 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Avenger class fighter (36)

4 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Defender class fighter (48)

2 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor class fighter (24)

7 squadron Incom T-65c A2 X-Wing class fighter (84)

5 squadron Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-Wing class fighter (60)

4 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems Scimitar class Mark II Assault Bombers (48)



5 Telgorn Corp. Assault Shuttle

10 Telgorn Corp. ATR-6 Assault Transport

5 Sienar Fleet Systems/ Cygnus Sentinel class Landing Craft

10 Sienar Fleet Systems T-4a Lambda class Shuttle

10 Gallofree Yards Rebel class Medium Transport


<u>Support Cruisers</u>


2 Sienar Fleet Systems/ Kuat Drive Yards Dominator class interdictor

2 Rendili Stardrive Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser

5 Lancer class Frigates

1 Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B class frigate

6 Loronar Corp. Strike class Cruiser

4 Damorian Manufacturing Carrack class light cruiser


<u>Capital Ships</u>


2 Rendili Stardrive Rebel class Assault Frigate

2 Imperial class Mark I Star Destroyer

2 Imperial class Mark II Star Destroyer

2 Mon Cal MC-75 Barracuda class cruiser

2 Kuat Drive Yards Victory class Mark II Star Destroyer




1 Byss Naval Yards Eclipse-II class Star Destroyer


PS we also need limits for ground craft like AT-Sts or something...should be a loose limit, just to keep someone from saying "My task force of 2000 AT-ATs lands and destroys your entire army, you are dead"




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


EDIT: Ignore this fleet, I need the Imp fleet biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited July 30, 2001).]

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My fleet will be New Republic... so it'll only contain ships that the Republic and its allies will use...



1 Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruiser (Heavily Modified)



1 Kuat Drive Yards Super Star Destroyer

2 Mon Calamari MC80B Star Cruiser

2 Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser

2 Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II

2 Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Star Destroyer Mark I



5 Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser

4 Hapan Battle Dragon (Remember the Hapes are part of the Republic)

5 Hapan Nova Battle Cruiser

4 Lancer Frigates

2 Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B Frigate

4 Corellian Engineering Corporation Corvette



10 Siener Fleet Systems/Cygnus Spaceworks Sentinel class Landing Craft

10 Incom Y-4 Transport

10 Siener Fleet Systems Lambda class Shuttle

10 Gallofree Yards Medium Transports



14 squadron FreiTek, Inc. E-Wing Starfighter (168)

14 squadron Incom Corporation T-65AC4 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighter (168)

13 squadron Alliance A-Wing Fighter (156)

12 squadron Kuat Drive Yards A-9 Vigilance Interceptor (144)

6 Hapan Cluster Miy'til Fighter (72)

6 squadron Slayn & Korpil B-Wing (72)

6 squadron Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter (72)


biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Well that's my fleet (excluding ground vehicles). I put a lot of thought when constructing it too! If you will notice the New Republic has access to all of the ships above... Yes the Super Star Destroyer is there because if you will remember they captured some didn't they... you know which one I'm talking about wink.gif ... heheh.... but anywayz. I have done my fleet and I think Redwing that it's time you rethought your fleet a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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