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The Secret of MI Problem!!

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Ive played CMI and EMI and of course thort they were butt-numbingly amazing, so i recently decided 2 buy the bounty pack. i received the bounty pack a couple of days ago in the post, so i automatically put it on and started playing it. afta a wile i decided to save it, so i pressed F1 and nothing happened. i tried all the rest of the F keys but they all jus opened the internet.does anybody no the correct way or an alternative way 2 save the secret of monkey island?PLEASE HELP!!!

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Either F1 or F5 should work. If not you may have a problem with your computer (I doubt it's the disk, but just incase, you may want to send it back and get a replacement, but only as a last resort)


Have you changed any of the functions for the F keys. It's not too common for F keys to open the internet so you or someone else may have messed around with the key setting on those.

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