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Spawn bubbles -> Terrible FPS drop and crashing


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Whenever my jamp has to draw the green invulnerability spawn bubble my fps drops ~70 and causes computer to crash after a while. Is it just my video card (ATI Radeon 7500) or have I messed my shaders up?

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Well, how much detail are you running because the JKA detail portion of the engine can be very demanding on PC's, especially video cards that have less than 128 MB of Video Memory and I believe the 7500 only has 64MB, right? Try these steps and see what it does


Update your video drivers (4.1.1 Catalyst I believe from http://www.ati.com)


Play with the detail settings, and also, try these commands


set com_maxfps 120 under the console (Shift and ~ pressed together once)


set r_fastsky 1

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If you have the money upgrade to maybe a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 or Radeon 9600 Pro (a cheap one)


The latest catalyst driver is 4.4.


Originally posted by Andy867

Well, how much detail are you running because the JKA detail portion of the engine can be very demanding on PC's, especially video cards that have less than 128 MB of Video Memory and I believe the 7500 only has 64MB, right? Try these steps and see what it does


I used to have a Geforce 4 MX SE 64MB, i play JA and other games i dont get crashes or anything serious, execpt the lack of fps

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