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.CFG Files

Mr Joshua 120

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I have three cfg files bound to keys.


(from memory, hope I get this right!)


\bind INS exec dark

\bind HOME exec light

\bind END exec s


So I have my darkside, lightside and "mixed" force settings (for siege).


Incidentally I have a somewhat related question.


I'm trying to bind multiple things to one key for MP.


Basically I want to bind a text message (say_team) along with a voice command into one key.


I use the format:


\bind <key> "say_team Send in Air Support!;voice cmd spot_air"


But it seems like it only works the first time I exec the file or until the map changes, then it reverts back to the FIRST COMMAND LISTED only. So if I list the say_team first it only does the text, if I list the voice, it only does the voice.


The reason I want to combine them is because in Siege text sayings show your position, whereas voice commands don't (and so are less useful if you're not near allies in the immediate vicinity).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Incidentally I have a somewhat related question.


I'm trying to bind multiple things to one key for MP.


Basically I want to bind a text message (say_team) along with a voice command into one key.


I use the format:


\bind "say_team Send in Air Support!;voice cmd spot_air"


But it seems like it only works the first time I exec the file or until the map changes, then it reverts back to the FIRST COMMAND LISTED only. So if I list the say_team first it only does the text, if I list the voice, it only does the voice.


The reason I want to combine them is because in Siege text sayings show your position, whereas voice commands don't (and so are less useful if you're not near allies in the immediate vicinity).

Try putting your first quotation mark before Send instead of before say and the second quotation mark after the exclamation point.


And you didn't list what key you are binding to.


And BTW, I play both single-player and multiplayer just fine with my backup CD 1 that I made (keeping the original safe).

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Ah, you'll have to share your sercret with me, my cloned original cd1 won't work for SP!


Thanks for the tip, yeah the key was left out as a typo.


I bind my Function (F2-F11) keys to the voice/chat commands.


I'll try what you suggested, thanks!



Update: Here's the format that worked for me finally:


bind F3 say_team "Need Help, Under Attack!;voice_cmd req_assist"


That's pasted into a cfg file, along with the other functions. It's also great because if you get killed you can tap the button and it will display the text, since voice can't be used when you're spectating.

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