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What do people mean when they say it has lack of content ?Why doesnt it feel like SW?


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What does it mean when people say lack of content or substance?The game sounds and looks like it has a lot of content in it.Im a huge SW fan and what do people mean by saying it doesnt feel like SW ,how can it not feel like SW?Its set in an SW time ,it has SW music,species ,weapons ,creatures ,planets,jedi!!!!!!!!!!If you read this please explain to me and reply if you know what people mean by lack of content and it not feeling like SW!!!!Thanks



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Its set in an SW time ,it has SW music,species ,weapons ,creatures ,planets,jedi!!!!!!!!!!

Let me start by saying, it feels like it's Star Wars too me, but the Jedi detracts from that feeling, I must say. It's like this weird time distortion where you have the Empire, but also the Jedi. :p

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