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Reasons to Buy SWG


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I’m a big fan of the Star Wars universe but I am a little spectacle about buying Galaxies. First reason, CGW gave it "Coaster of the Year", for all of those who don’t subscribe to CGW that means that it was the worst game of the year (hence you use the CD as a coaster). Second Reason, I heard that the game is very, very complex. For example, you have to be entertained and be healed by a medic in order to reach full health. Last reason, I was informed that you have to be a die hard gamer in order to enjoy this game. I can’t say I’m the best gamer in the world but I do have some skill and some MMORPG experience. And I’m sorry to say I cannot dedicate my whole life to this game, maybe about two hours a day.


Now that the horrible Media has led me to think this game isn’t worth buying, please give me some reasons I SHOULD buy SWG. Because I'm sure you guys have played this game way more than they have.

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the game used to be alot worse, it was full of bugs and was missing content, but they contently pacth it and it is not as buggy and has alot more content to it. There's a few ways you can be healed: Let your health and stuff regenerate, a medic can use stim packs on you. but to heal wounds you must be in a medical facility or in a camp. Mucisians heal your battle fatigue.


I've been playing since Thursday and i get about 2-4 hours a day to play, usualy closer to 2 hours, and on weekends i get alot more time to play, now i'm about half way to BH which is one of the profession everyone says takes a long time to get, now it'll take me awhile to get there but meh, i could be at Carbineer in 1-2 days. If you want to one of the galaxies feard warriors or sumtin ya you need to play alot, but to be a good player it only takes a few weeks and help from other players.

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Yeah, I feel the same way as Helmaster. I really want to buy this game (it just went on sale), but I really don't like the idea of paying to play.


Is it worth the money? Is the game fun to play, do you feel like it's worth it? I love Star Wars and this is the closest thing to an online version of KotOR I can find...

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after playing for about 11 days i feel i have gotten my moneys worth, i can usualy beat a game in 2 weeks to a month but this game always changes, i bought a game time card so i have 2 months right now and when my card comes to close to running out i'll buy another for sure!

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