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Betty Lou

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I have returned to Melee Island, on my map are the Gov. Mansion, Meathooks house, the Harbor and Mellee Town - in Melee Town are 6 buildings, one being the VooDoo house, the other 5 appear to be sold buildings and entering one only gets me out the door of another across the street - I cannot find the Scumm Bar (have been there before, forgot where it is) Help me please...Thanks Betty Lou

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Thanks Skinkie. My problem was that I did not recognize the 'remade' SCUMM bar which is now the Lua Bar. Must be that the team from "Ultimate Makeover Home Edition" snuck in when I wasn't lookin'......

Now having a problem getting Meathook to cough up the info on the wax covered wedding gift painting so I can go find it....gonna keep tryin'

Betty Lou

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