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star wars weekends at mgm ruled


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it was so much fun. the hole park was filled with the stormtroopers. at the begining of the day we seen the actor who played chewbacca, and some other guy who played as one of the trade federation guys, it was a question and answer. if i have gotten there eariler i could have gotten a ticket to get there auto graphs. also we got a sneek peek at the behind the scences of episode 3. dude it was sweet. then there was star wars triva game. a kinda contestant show i lost tho. got some cool pics ill post them soon. at the end of the day there where the end day cerimonies. it was so much fun. if you have ever seen a stormtrroper dance to hey ha youll know why. there where little cheezy jokes. so many star wars character dressed up. next week iam going again. the qustion and answer thing is going to have the guy who plays C3PO, and the voice of watto. iam going with a friend. if anyone has any question ask.

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Originally posted by sora

well i apologize, theres is no need for petty insults. I dont see anything wrong with posting this on the jedi academy page, do you?


The fact that it has nothing to do with the forum it was posted in (Jedi Academy = a game) is usualy enough of a reason for moves and/or locks.

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