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Darth Arachne (Sith Bastila) updates


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This is for all my imaginary fans :D


I'm new to this forum and I was disappointed to notice that you cannot edit the message subject afterwards (well, at least not so that it would be shown in public). So I have to post another msg...


Now Arachne-package has also gui portrait and party selection screen portraits.


Also, I have modified the appearance so that the model won't look ridicilous without clothes (looks similar to a darkside player character's jumper).


Furthermore, Arachne (Bastila) will now appear as if she was wearing her normal clothes when she's equipped with any Jedi robe. This change is optional, you can choose to take it or not when installing.


Party selection screen portrait (darkside):



No clothes



(the .zip)



And for those who didn't get acquinted with the first version:


Behold her beauty and writhe in her wrath...



The Mistress of Dark Arts herself:


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Nodakrattler, since Bastila doesn't originally has a DS skin, I believe you'll just have to wait to install, (btw, it's Straker not Stalker).

As for Sith Armada, you basically just DL this skin. I'm not going to include any DS Bastila skin, so you're free to use any skin of her.

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I tend to lean towards the light side myself, but I do have to congradulate (sp?) you on a job well done I've been tinkering with Juhani so I know it is hard work.



To Nodakrattler:


I actually think that there is a way for it to just kick in when Bastila goes darkside I believe it involves some appearence.2da editing but I am not 100% sure. All I know is that there are 4 textures for the PC character 1 light and 3 dark textures and in the appearence.2da I assume it has to address these 4 different textures so I therefore deduce that Bastila must be the smae except that since she has no darkside texture originally the appearence.2da file just refers to the lightside texture for both the light and dark Bastila. I have not actually looked too closely at the appearence.2da, but this is my guess at how it works. SO in other words find the column that refers to the darkside and edit in the file name of the texture for the DS Bastila that you DL. As I said before I am not 100% sure on this so don't get all your hopes up.



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Originally posted by maverick187

I tend to lean towards the light side myself, but I do have to congradulate (sp?) you on a job well done I've been tinkering with Juhani so I know it is hard work.



To Nodakrattler:


I actually think that there is a way for it to just kick in when Bastila goes darkside I believe it involves some appearence.2da editing but I am not 100% sure. All I know is that there are 4 textures for the PC character 1 light and 3 dark textures and in the appearence.2da I assume it has to address these 4 different textures so I therefore deduce that Bastila must be the smae except that since she has no darkside texture originally the appearence.2da file just refers to the lightside texture for both the light and dark Bastila. I have not actually looked too closely at the appearence.2da, but this is my guess at how it works. SO in other words find the column that refers to the darkside and edit in the file name of the texture for the DS Bastila that you DL. As I said before I am not 100% sure on this so don't get all your hopes up.




That would be correct.

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Appearance.2da won't help, because appearance only effects on bodies. Every party npcs and pcs heads are their own models. And I haven't found out how to tweak them... If I remember correctly, there are some threads about that.


Keep me up-to-date with this, I mean... If you are able to make Bastila look like Darth Arachne after she has been converted to darkside.


Another option could be scripting... for example, when entering the top level of the temple, Bastila's model could change (there are some post about disguise scripts also... look for them from those stuck threads).

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right its simple (i did this for juhani)


load up head.2da, then find bastillas row, at the column at teh top there are 4 column titles,

head = is her normal head

headtexvvve= is when shes at her darkest

headtexvve=is just before shes at her darkest

headtexve= is averagely evil

headtexe= is a bit evil/neautral

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