Admiral Vostok Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 You seem pretty keen to replay the Ice Lake Epic, Viceroy. However it would be pretty hard for us to replicate it. The main reason it went for so long was the fact that both pbguy and saberhagen where in the pockets for their teams. Without that, which is hard to get, the game wouldn't be any more epic than the rest of our games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 Come on who wouldn't be keen to recreate that since you can call practically every other match we've played short but no sweet. Maybe we could have players as the same colour that might work it propably will so saber and pb will have to be red and orange respectively my oposite maybe nitro and me will have to be grey and purple repctively and you and your opposite will have to be their colours which i think were blue and teal respectively. Vostok you cannot deny that was our best game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 I don't deny it, and never have. What I do deny is our ability to recreate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 Come now vostok we can always try and i mean always. Someone so full of ideas should be able to come up with something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 The only way we could do it is to keep restarting the game until we're in the right positions, and I'm sure you'll agree that isn't worth the effort. I'd prefer to strive for a new epic battle rather than live in the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 Though Ice lake is the perfect map for an epic every other map is too open so that means PB levels everyone else too quickly. maybe we could make it illeghal for pb to rush in that game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 9, 2004 Share Posted September 9, 2004 So we're going to have a game on Saturday then? Same time as Sunday I presume? Perhaps we could have this every week. A game on Saturday and a game on Sunday. That way people could try and get to one or the other or both. It would allow for more flexibility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saberhagen Posted September 10, 2004 Share Posted September 10, 2004 What time is it on Saturday? I might be there, or I might not... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 10, 2004 Share Posted September 10, 2004 We'll make it the same time as Sunday normally is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 11, 2004 Share Posted September 11, 2004 Saturday, 11 September Well there was only a small turnout for our first Saturday game, and pbguy was curiously absent despite it being his idea. The first game saw myself (Naboo) and Viceroy (Confederacy) up against saber (Rebel Alliance) and Phreak (Trade Federation). I was near Phreak and Viceroy near saber, and early rushes from saber concerned us for a bit. Phreak managed to pull a great bait and trap on me - as Viceroy pointed out, falling into traps is something I'm prone to do - as I accidentally obliterated my bombers on his defences, but for the most part I left Phreak alone and focussed on saber. Eventually Viceroy was ready to mount an assault, and called me in for air support, and we were munching through sabers base when he disconnected. That was the last we heard from him, his whereabouts are still unknown. Phreak couldn't join us for the second game, but DMUK had popped in so we decided to do a free for all (me vs Viceroy vs DMUK). Viceroy and myself took our predictable civs, and DMUK took Republic. We decided to be a bit silly and set the game to be an Ice Lake on a Giant map. Needless to say we were in for an epic game. The game went for about two and a half hours, and we still didn't finish it. Just thinking back to it is almost as exhausting as playing it. We were all turtling pretty much, and I was the first to mount an attack against DMUK. His defences were formidable, and I learnt that without a regular Republic player I hadn't developed a decent way to deal with Jedi, and least of all Jedi Starfighters. So my attack was over pretty soon. I made a second attack but the result was the same. At about this time DMUK executing a massive pummel drop and Jedi rush, and my base was devastated, though far from destroyed. It was sometime around here that Viceroy researched Spynet. Yes, Spynet. While DMUK and I had been spending our nova on air forces and Jedi, Viceroy had been saving it. Well needless to say this made things difficult. Not only could Viceroy see attacks heading towards him, but just to annoy us he'd report when DMUK or I were about to attack each other! He had to be stopped. About here I was beginning to get bored, so I just whored air with no support force. Wave upon wave of fighters and bombers closed on Viceroy's base, and I was making some great headway when the worst possible thing happened. DMUK made another giant pummel drop and Jedi rush on my base. Had I been able to keep sending hordes of air against Viceroy he would have eventually been dead, but DMUK's attack forced me to return to base and allowed Viceroy to fix his defences and top up his AA Troopers. I still managed to destroy DMUK's invasion force, though in the battle I had lost two of my three holocrons. This made things more difficult for me, though the game was certainly not over for me as Viceroy believed the loss of holocrons would do. After rebuilding and sending another couple of air strikes against Viceroy, I decided it was time to get serious and build some support for my air force. After much econ management I had a huge swarm of fighters, bombers, strike mechs and some cannons, and was at Viceroy's borders. Then we had to quit. Viceroy had to stop playing, which spelt the end of our game. After so long the saga was over. Viceroy saved the game, perhaps thinking sometime in the future we'd continue, but I'm not sure that will happen. Such a shame really. I would have liked to have seen how my assault went, but it was not to be. So after two games we failed to see the end of, I hope we have a great turn-out tomorrow and some great games to go with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 11, 2004 Share Posted September 11, 2004 Great Write Up Vostok except for one ever so tiny eensy miny detail IT'S IN THE WRONG THREAD That game was funny though and since the apir of you were rediculously Nova reliant it was easy to save up all i needed nova for was upgrades and boy did i upgrade i upgraded everything and i mean everything, Vostok you seem to have convineiently forgotten my numerous raids and assaults at your econ, you of course cannot know about DM's assault and of course you remeber of all people DM defedning you from my Rekk Raids I think i'm gonna go back to what i'm good at and drop all the fancy stuff troopers and animals all the way it would have been fun to sweep you from ym borders like I did many many times before you started to make any Headway and that was before DM's timely assault I wasn't worried because i saw it coming I even think i provoked it by saying that you were vulnerable without holocrons. Oh how easy it is to push the buttons on the pair of you. anyway after DM's timely assaults i started to be more aggressive constantly animal raiding to keep vostok off balance in preparation for a grand offensive which was unfortunatly brought to an end by my having to leave But vostok never actually dealt a crippling blow because Even before he started his assaults I had build over 18 barracks and 12 nurseries and my base was becomming more heavily fortified If that match had went on another hour Vostok would have been the first to go swiftloy followed By DM since his sole pummel drop against me propably cost more to execute than it did damage to me especially in terms of nova. Honestly I cannot see why people decide to base strategies around the most rarest of resources. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DarthMaulUK Posted September 11, 2004 Share Posted September 11, 2004 Despite some of your 'terror calls' DK, i too had spynet. I saw everything that was going on after a while, anyway. I kept picking at your base trying to find a weak spot in. i did find it, but i really was about to build up a distraction force so i could do a huge drop in your base. But i settled for an early jedi raid, which took out a few of your barracks, as did an earlier pummel drop. I felt kinda sorry for Vostok. I tore his base to pieces, stole his holocrons in a cheeking raid to his Jedi Temples (lost 4 Jedi Masters in the process!!) before 'aiding' him taking out your reeks. Funny thing was, he was sending over a large force of air when it stumbled onto my air building up for a raid and needless to say, i weakned that attack squad. Vostok was very close to me on that map, so i made AA defences early on - which ensured that i was safe from his attacks. It was fun and my PC is back to full health...roll on tomorrow! As for my pummel drops. I had alot of nova coming in (Had 4 holocrons plus selling carbon/food) and i like the drops..makes me laugh sometimes. DMUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 11, 2004 Share Posted September 11, 2004 That wouldn't have made much profit food and carbvon only sold for something like 17 and 11 nova. It was really unfair how you two near the end kept double teaming Me. I must have been either a real threat or annoying either way I was very succesful. If we ever do that again I certainly hope the two of you don't defend each other that's not the point of Free for all i've got half a mind to call for a foul and give someone a red card, preferably the both of you, I'm well aware of that weakness it was part of an elaborate scheme of baiting and trapping with the end of creating a massively obviuos percevived weakness while having A highly mobile Defence force to entrap an enemy and demolish his oofensive capabilities in order to allow a crushing counter attack needless to say the first part worked my having to leave prevented a successful counter attack, If you'd been that muhc more aggresive that game could have been over. maybe not though since you might have loached in the corners with jedi starfighters lol. Also may i ask what on earth were you thinking in putting unconcentrated AA all over the map surelyt that could have better been used concentrated in your base making an impenatrable force which would have freed up your defence force, Needless to say mu reek's certainly did engoy munching on buildings all through the game they're much cheaper than pummels and far easier to mass, also you can make the nurseries and no one can be a hundred perecnt sure as to what your gonna do. After suffering plenty of Nitro's pummel drops most people have had to learn a method of defending against them, and my method was quite effective either prevention or Massed Mech destroyers. Vostok is the exception but he should really have known better going up against the pummel king. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted September 11, 2004 Share Posted September 11, 2004 I still wish we could restore our first game... I was doing good for myself. I think it's just the good map we were on. Those nerf really helped. You guys said you were killing saber, but I was too focused on my base. If saber woulda alerted me or something, I could have sent ****loads of Destroyer Droids, troop/mounties, and mobile AA to make it more painful for them to continue. Same time tomorrow? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DarthMaulUK Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 It wasnt a case of 'teaming up' with Vostok. He took a hard beating from my attacks. I simply looked at the scores on the board and though, ok, time to switch targets. My fighters still attacked and took out his and your reeks and remember, we all agreed to no rushing early on, which always leads to long drawn out fights on such a massive map! DMUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 True and Vostok is propably Seriuosly rethinking the wisdom in air whoring, I didn't think my score was that high really. It was funny though that we'd harvested practically every piece of nova and ore and were well on the way to carbon, I think that map has been most useful it's shown me how Superior Reeks are to Pummels while they may not have as much armour they move a lot faster are cheaper and Not many people will suspect you of using them if you have nurseries unless like me you had 12 of the things when their wasn't a single nerf on the map which was strange Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DarthMaulUK Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 Reeks were certainly a cheaper bet, but had we allowed rushing early in the game - who knows ;-) But yes, no nerf was very odd. Roll on tonight DMUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 Oh yeah, I forgot theres an Official Battle Report thread... oh well. As for defenses against pummel drops, I had them originally. Mounted Troopers munch through them, and I had a whole lot around my command center and fort. Alas, by same sad coincidence Viceroy attacked me a split second before DMUK's first pummel drop, which, because I had forgotten to set the Mounties to defensive stance, made them rush out of my base and leave it open to pummel drops. Probably my biggest mistake was not building mounties again to defend against future pummel drops, but that was the point in the game where I began to give up hope and just massed an air force rather than make a proper army. DMUK, you probably shouldn't have defended me against those reeks. Sure, they munched through a command center or two, but my fighters were on the way and fighters make extremely short work of reeks. All it did was give Viceroy a reason to complain! Although I suffered in that game because I was playing as Naboo, I'm not going to so hastily abandon them as I did before. Naboo really aren't geared for battles of attrition, virtually all their decent units use nova and once the nova is long gone they're in trouble, even if you have holocrons. At the end I had researched all my resource trading techs and was constantly exchanging carbon and food. Fortunately not too many battles turn into such drawn out affairs as that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 I Hope i'll be able to show up for the first game so please in the spirirt of good will and generosity please wait till at least quarter past seven it was all i could do to get online at the hospital And i am so worried about my grandad how was admitted with a heart attack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DarthMaulUK Posted September 12, 2004 Share Posted September 12, 2004 Not good news. I certainly hope he has a speedy recovery. DMUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 14, 2004 Share Posted September 14, 2004 Will Saturday games continue from now on, in addition to Sunday games? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted September 14, 2004 Share Posted September 14, 2004 Sounds good to me. So if someone can't make Saturday game, they can aim for sunday and the other way around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 15, 2004 Share Posted September 15, 2004 Yeah, that's what I figured. Of course I hope we'll have more of a turn out on either of the days than we did this weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted September 15, 2004 Share Posted September 15, 2004 the last thing i read in this thread was that the game was on for sunday... i didnt know anyone had said they'd play saturday... i'll show up this saturday if you give me a time... pb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted September 15, 2004 Share Posted September 15, 2004 Well you mustn't have read the thread since you first suggested a Saturday game. As we discussed above, we'll probably just make it the same time on Saturday as we do on Sunday for now. So that's 2pm EST. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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