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Dark Side Female, Trying to Leave Unkown Planet {spoilers}


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I have gone through the Temple on the Unknown Planet as a dark side female, gotten bastila to join me and killed juhani and jolee. i have gotten back to the ship to find the crew all there (i have not really been following any stories with the chars, as this is my second time through, as in the carth/female story). carth runs away, and then no matter what happens, i cannot get zalbaar to kill mission or kill mission myself. all options end up with me having to fight them both, but they both take NO damage. its like theyre invincible. i cant do anything, and its very annoying cause i cant do anything to advance the game. .......help please :)

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Oh. yay. :) a bug that there doesn't seem to be a fix for. Now it seems the only option for me is to kill Bastila, cause then I wouldn't have to worry about having to kill Zalbaar or Mission. Oh well :)

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If you kill Bastila everything will go in the different direction.Killin Bastila = playing the light side and aiding the Republic.Killing Jolee = playing the dark side and becoming sith lord and fighting against republic.If you've already played as a light side and trying the dark side now,you better find the way to kill Mission.Try using force powers and grenades.

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i did save several games before, and i went thru them all up to that point. they all had the same effect: mission and zalbaar are invincible. ahhh! i did the light side, i wanna see the dark side this time :)

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im not sure... i think i used it once before hand on the rankor in the sewers before i knew how to do it otherwise....

could it have been on that long...... and if so how would i get rid of it? i thought they were wiped whenever you exited the game....

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very good, very good! for you! :)


But It was bad that I had to Kill Mission and Zaalbar but I want to see dark side ending. Also I also see another ending, light side ending, both.



At dark side path with Bastila, I don't hate Mission and Zaalbar but I had to killed them cuz I had no choice. When I am going to kill Mission. Zaalbar become angry in roar "No! I won't let you hurt Mission!" and he tried to defend his Twi'lek friend, LOL. But he underestimated me and Bastila!

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Jeez you ppl dont no how to use what ur enemies weakness to your advantages...YOU OWN ZAALBAR PERIOD!You tell him whatever,he'll do it!You want to kill mission,He WILL DO IT!!!.. You just gotta use force persuade and mention the life debt.Then you'll hear mission crying in death and pain :D :D :D :D

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