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monthly fee


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Well, first of all, have you been on there official site at all? Or read ANY of the posts here? But... Seeing as your new, dont worry about.



Ok, well first of all you cant play it off-line, it is an ONLY online game, a M-assive M-ultiplayer O-nline R-ole P-laying G-ame, or a MMORPG in shorter terms, and therefor, seeing as it is a MMORPG, you have to pay monthly to play it, and, this is as follows for the US:


1 month - $14.99

3 months - $41.99

6 months - $77.99

12 months - $143.99


This is from the Official site, click here to see it.


Now, im not sure what the prices are to play in the UK yet, but seeing as im from the UK, i will post a new thread once i get my bank statement through (or my dads anyway heh) to say what it is in the UK.


And also, here is a page for new players and etc entering the world of Star Wars Galaxies


And finally...


Welcome to the forums!

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It's $12 a month if you pay for 6 months.


1 month - $14.99 - $14.99 a month

3 months - $41.99 - $13.99 a month

6 months - $77.99 - $12.99 a month

12 months - $143.99 - $11.99 a month


You pay for your subscription in one lump sum (for instance if you subscribe for a year, you pay them $143.99 right now, but in the end it's cheaper).

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