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Cultist Destroyer? (*very mild spoiler*)


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We all know there are 4 types of cultist (without the saber)


1. the normal one (with blaster)

2. Cultist Grip

3. Cultist Drain

4. Cultist Lightning


However the Prima guide says theres a 5th cultist called the Cultist Destroyer which uses force destruction (Y'know the most powerful force power in Jedi Knight) So far i NEVER encountered one before, heres what the guide says: "its rumored that they exist and those who encounter them have not lived long to tell the tale of what happend and no trace of a Cultist Destroyer has ever been found."


When i typed "Npc spawn cultist_Destroyer" i just get a cultist lightning the one that spams 2 handed lightning :p And does not use force destruction, the thing is, JA doesnt even have Force Destruction.


So what do you guys think? :confused:

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You never see any Cultist Destroyers in any missions for some reason. Dunno why they were decided to be cut from the action. You never see any CultistCommandos either (although I replaced the blaster-wielding Cultist with CultistCommandos).


NPC spawn cultist_destroyer spawns a red Cultist that runs up to you, does the "Force rage" animation with red beams serging through his body, and then "self-destructs," with a very deadly invisible blast. He doesn't blow up or anything, he just disappears.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

NPC spawn cultist_destroyer spawns a red Cultist that runs up to you, does the "Force rage" animation with red beams serging through his body, and then "self-destructs," with a very deadly invisible blast. He doesn't blow up or anything, he just disappears.


Yeah i did try that just now, and to my surprise it wasnt a lightning (dunno why the last time i tried was a lightning one).


They seem fairly diffcult to kill, especially once they have that force rage-like thingy. The moment they explode you're dead, and sends you together with anyone else near the blast (enemy or friendly) flying. That could be the reason why it isnt included during normal gameplay.


Luke and kyle did used protect as a defence though, it took quite a few blasts to kill them. Other force like push or grip also works pretty well, push them down or off a cliff to kill them, grip only stuns them in the air and they cannot self-destruct while being gripped.


They seem to be immune to drain and lightning. Turn on force sense and you'll see they have 0% health once they turn on the rage animation thingy.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

You never see any CultistCommandos either (although I replaced the blaster-wielding Cultist with CultistCommandos).



hay TK

i think i have encountered the cultistcommando in this map


or "map t3_stamp"


Stay away from the mutant rancor use notarget or somthing.



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Originally posted by TK42235

hay TK


or "map t3_stamp"


Stay away from the mutant rancor use notarget or somthing.



also change him back to the way he was.:clone:

that doesnt tell me anything
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Originally posted by TK42235

Um i have encountered them in that map:o



Hmm... I'll look for them.


Edit: Nope, there were no CultistCommandos on the Mutant Rancor mission. I did NPC kill all and the console never said that a CultistCommando was killed.


Are you sure you know what a CultistCommando is? He has dual blaster pistols and wears the green Cultist uniform.

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enyway maybe it was a diferent level on diferent skill (Jedi Master)

or somthing but i know i encountered the cultist commando somware on my second or third time playing JA SP

it could have been Taspir:clone:

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