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Darth Dex

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Originally posted by Darth Dex

Yeah, that's what I meant I already have him at level 3 I was just hoping that I could go have him kill me some jawas.


Unfortunately Dex, the answer is no.


You cannot restore HK's assassination protocol in the game.



The best you can get is after the Leviathan his memory core becomes active again.


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Originally posted by nacho35

Only those that use/program him for that purpose are the darksiders!


Exactly my point. He was programmed by DS people. Unless I reprogram him, he will be DS.


I can force him to be toward the LS side, BUT if left to his own devices, he WILL choose the bloodier path (because of his programming), so he will not be "just a tool," but, in fact, be DS.



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Originally posted by jedi_5002

Exactly my point. He was programmed by DS people. Unless I reprogram him, he will be DS.


I can force him to be toward the LS side, BUT if left to his own devices, he WILL choose the bloodier path (because of his programming), so he will not be "just a tool," but, in fact, be DS.




Unfortunately Jedi_5002, It doesn't matter who programmed HK-47 a droid has no connection to the force, it is not part of the living force... and therefore cannot be lightside or darkside in any way... even if it slaughters a whole planet every day, or saves countless lives the droid will still be just a droid.


Due to HK-47's programming he is simply an assassin looking for a target, the force has nothing to do with it.

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[Vrook] Or does it?The Force Affects Everything and Everyone.[/Vrook]


[Yoda] Still you must *smacks red with his cane* learn the force you must *opens a pepsi edge and jabs red in the stomach* OoOoOoOoO....Not ready you are![/Yoda]



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[Yoda] Misquoted Yoda and Vandar you have.[/Yoda]

*Both activate their lightsabers and go after kome566*


*Sigh* Droids are not alive with an active life-force and therefore are not part of the living force... It is actaully you who have much to learn kome566! :D

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But he was programed dark side and is DS.

This reminds me of something:

Bob:This is more like a lightbutter knife.

Yoda: Training saber it is when your 300 years old you to get a big toy like me.

Bob:I've had it! I'm sick of you and your stupid training! I quit! *throws lightbutterknife in the air and and hits a branch, it catches on fire and lands on Yoda's Hut*

Yoda:Hut!? :Open2: HUT!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Young man, have I ever totaled you of the darkside!:devburn: :devburn: :devburn:

Bob: oh, crap!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek:

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*LOL* I think Jedi Bob is screwed! :D


Originally posted by Darth Dex

But he was programed dark side and is DS.


That is one of the blaring mistakes in the game HK-47 should have been just like T3-M3 in alignment.


Because a droid cannot be Darkside or Lightside, if they could then a Droid Jedi would have to be allowed, and they arent'.

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