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A little help


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I have a few questions that I am hoping someone out there might be able to help me with. First off are the badges that characters can earm beneficial to them?


I was also curious as to wether advancing in the ranks of a fation, like Imperial, would benefit the character at all. I have had a few promotions and dont seem to see any point in speding fation points in anything but training and equipment.


My last question is if you need a certain skill to add clothing attachments. Appreciate any help i can get.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The badges justify the fact that there's hardly anything to do in Galaxies. Last year, you could visit places and that as it. Now, if someone clicks on you, they can see where you have been.


As for rankings. Yes, the higher the rank, the higher the missions you can do for your faction. meaning you can earn more cash and slap certain lower ranked staff around the face (yawn)


For skill tapes, I think to get the full benefit, you must be in that profession. So an armour skill tape, would be used by an armoursmith. If you have a good tape, you can probably auction it on the Galaxy trade forum



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