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Sound w/o CD


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I have the Monkey Island Madness CD, and I've copied all of the game files onto my hard drive (so I can play whenever I want, without the CD, YAR!) but unfortunately, the music is played as tracks on the CD, so when I don't play from the CD I get no sound. :( Is there a way to be able to play these games with sound, without the CD?


Much appreciated!

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Run it from ScummVM, pointing to the directory with the gamefiles, and make sure all the CD tracks are in the same directory (as CD tracks, don't rip them using Media player or whatnot, just copy them straight to your HD as you would the other files)

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I don't think it is possible to copy CD tracks to your hard drive as you would normal files, but I know ScummVM can play MP3s if you put them in the same directory as the game.


The readme.txt file says to name the files track1.mp3, track2.mp3, etc. and to make sure that the MP3 files are encoded in a constant bit rate.


Also, you could just download these lovely Amiga music MP3s from that great site, The Monkey Island SCUMM Bar.

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