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Publish 10


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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Publish 10 will have the Jedi Trial quests. As you know, they got rid of the holocron profession grinding. It may surprise you how many people don't want to become Jedi, because it means starting from ground zero with your character.

Starting from ground zero?

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What he meant by ground zero is that with holocrons they told you what profession you had to be so that meant you had to untrain everything you learned and then do what the holocron said which meant you could be completely powerless. As for the trials if someone could go deeper into detail me that'd be great Oh and if someone else could just kill all the jedi that'd be peachy keen

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The trials will most likely be a series of quests. One thing I heard from a Jedi Master on my server is that some will entail retrieving something from an NPC. The catch is this NPC may spawn once a day, and never in the same place. This will undoubtedly test your patience and desire. That's a general example. I'm sure the Trials will be very diverse to add to the excitement and fulfillment of the overall Jedi quest experience. As far as killing all the Jedi, you know it will not happen, so might as well get used to having them around.


If anything, give them credit for having the perseverence, discipline, and dedication for grinding through the professions outlined to them by the holocrons. Often, these were professions many players, like a friend of mine, had no interest in. They did it anyway to unlock their force sensitive slot. You have to give a person respect for that, if nothing else.

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