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Newbie question


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Alright This question might get me made fun of, but if there are any kind followers of the light side maybe they'll just answer the question rather than the other possiblility. So here it is... how do I use mods? I downloaded xmod and extracted it to C:whateverthethedirectoryis\game data... but when i launched the game...nothin. There were no mods selectable.

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All the PK3 files the mod use should be in: YourGameDir\



And that ModDir must be same for all... If you install your

mod to GameData\XMod and you join to game which uses

same XMod but who have it installed to GameData\X-Mod

it doesn't work...




Does anyone remember whats the modload command ?

(that command you put in to the command line of that

shortcut icon you use the launch the game program...)

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To load xMod via the MODs menu you have to create an empty pk3 file in the xMod folder so that the game finds it. Just create an empty zip file, call it just xmod.zip, it doesn't matter, then rename it to xmod.pk3. Now it should work.

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Extract the mod to your GameData folder.


You should now have a directory like this:


Jedi Academy\GameData\xmod




Right-click and go to New: Compressed (zipped) Folder.


Call it xmod.zip.


Then, rename it to xmod.pk3.


It should not be a zip folder anymore.


So you should now have a file in this directory:


Jedi Academy\GameData\xmod\xmod.pk3


Now, load up Jedi Academy multiplayer.


Click Setup.


Go to MODs.


Click xmod.


Load it.


Start a game.

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OMG, that is so complicated, this is so much easier and faster:


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Make a shortcut to jamp.exe. Right-click the shortcut, go to Properties. In the target box, add this at the end, after the quotation mark:


+set fs_game xmod


then save and close.


Now use the shortcut to launch Jedi Academy multiplayer. You can Play a Solo Game or Create a Server in the usual fashion, but it will be running xmod, no matter how many times you change the map or anything else. This assumes, of course, that the xmod folder is in the GameData folder, not the base folder.

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