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I decided to create this thread for a good reference regarding SOUND.


I think most of us know how to put MUSIC into the worldspawn. But what I want to know is can we put the soundSet into a trigger_multiple instead of having 30 or more speakers throughout a level. Now, I have done it before with the OLD versions of Radiant regarding JA. But now I'm getting the soundset errors. I have NEVER included the .txt file trying to do this in the past. Why this doesn't work now is beyond me.


To do a speaker:


Key: noise

Value: sound/effects/electric_beam_lp


You can target a speaker or just leave it and check the loop box so that you will get an ambient continuous sound.


To do a trigger_multiple:

Key: soundSet

Value: name of ambient sound


Or...should we use the 'noise' key?


Wedge, you have stated before that the entity menu tells you what each function does. But that's what these forums are for. If the entity menu was as detailed as people wanted it to be there would be a lot less threads on these forums.

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Originally posted by lauser

Key: noise

Value: sound/effects/electric_beam_lp


i am sure that you have to put .wav or .mp3 on the end of things like sounds, becuase there could be both in there, there must be something to saperate them. With textures there is the shader for referance, or all maps are bsb, but there can be this difference with sound so there must be a referance.


Originally posted by lauser

Key: soundSet

Value: name of ambient sound


I think the sound sets are better used with doors and moveables, but you have to look in the pk3 for a txt file in the sound folder that tells you the name of all of the valid soundsets. Even then some of the sound sets there dont work, but most of them work

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