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Hi. :)


I always wanted to play Star Wars Galaxies but I am kinda wary to putting down money for a game like this. I just recently saw the free 14 day trial so I downloaded it iimmediately.


I am enjoying the game so far, and I might buy it but I am having one problem. Whenever I start up the game, it takes 15min+ for it to scan my files when its updating. Is this normal?


Right now it has been on the file data_other_00.tre for a while and my HDD light is saying there is no activity...

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AMD Athlon XP 2500+

Geforce 4mx 420 (yea, I know its crap... although it shouldnt affect scanning times)

7200rpm 80gig HDD

512mb DDR 333 ram


I have an extra 256mb stick of ram laying around here somewhere... I took it out because I couldnt run my memory at 333 without it crashing with that stick in (although that one is also rated DDR333).


EDIT: Ok, right now it has finally gotten around to downloading the files. I started around 1:30... now its 1:51.

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Hmmm. . .spec wise, your computer is fine. Never had that issue. What kind of connection are you running? Dialup? If it's broadband, are you going through a router, do you have a firewall enabled(Norton, McAfee)? Disable it if you do. If you have a router which has a firewall by default, disable it in the router.

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I have broadband and its running directly to my PC. This guy said the reason my computer is going so slow is because a big update has recently been released.


Oh and man... the people in this game are nice. Earlier today I asked this guy where I could get a speederbike but since he couldnt find the terminal, he went ahead and gave me one. He also was going to build me a house but for some reason he couldnt.


And is it possible to be in more than 1 guild?

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Ok, I just found an answer to this problem and it has increased my load times dramatically (it did go faster after I installed the patch but now its much shorter now that I ran this).


Ok, this guy told me to run trefix.exe from the swg folder. After it was done I restarted and ran swg. After the new files was downloaded my load time was like cut in half.


As for the guilds I had to select myself and type /leaveg, or something like that. I dont really remember, though. But yea, its better having the guild leader do it because I had to go all the way back to Tatooine and tell them my reasons for leaving.

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