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ranking system

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This probably sounds both dumb and corny, but there hasn't been alot of activity lately so I decided to use this time for an iffy post. Perhaps we could start a ranking system among us forumers. Not like a ladder or anything, but like for anyone who shows up for the Sunday afternoon matches (hopefully I will be there tomorrow). Of course, you would need some criterea to base your rankings on. The only criterea that I can think up at the moment is winning. As far as I can tell, pbguy is number one. This ma sound lame, but I thought I'd just send out this thought into the void.

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Well I don't know. At the moment we're just playing for fun. Adding some kind of ranking might turn the whole thing too competitive. Players who end up at the bottom of the rank might not want to play any more.


So I'm basically against it. However if we were to rank it would be:


1. pbguy (won all except two games)

2. saberhagen / me (won one game each)

3. all others

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