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how to?


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i ahev a model that i am changing. i use mikshape to add the effects i want. i exported out as root.xsi i use assimlate with the _humanoid.gbl. i get right up to making the .glm file but in carcass i get an error that says:


build triger: "c:\base\models\players\_humanoid\model.glm" missing

entering c:\models\players\_humanoid\model.car

(90 degree skewing OFF)

loading GLA "models/players/_humaniod/_humaniod.gla"...21376 frames

grabbed 1 files with 21376 frames

processing 'c:/base/models/players/_humaniod/root.XSI'

precessing meshes, LOD 0

error: Vert (0) on mesh "hips" has no weights


the origain of the model was game ready. but sence i imported it into milkshape, changed a few things(not bones or wieghts) and messed with assimlate.... my hand hurts and the wall has many holes in it. i read most of the tutiorals that where posted here and .... well im new to the modeling part (just started) could understand it that well. maybe someone can finish where i left off or help me finish it. (been up for hours at night trying to get it to work)

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great tutorial but looks like it wont work for me. i am useing 3ds max 6 and yours looks like5, maybe thats why.

im trying to make a drow (elf) female skin for my girlfriend. i used padme to get the right look but had to change a few things to make it look right. like an elf is not an elf without the pointy ears. i took off the cape and belt, and made the cleavage line show more (model had here wearing a shirt and i put a deep cut shirt pass the cleavage area). now i can't get it ready to be played in the game


btw if anyone knows how to modify a .glm (on that is already in game) and make it game ready please to tell how with 3ds max 6


heres a pic of it


still working on the skin but want the model first.

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