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To Jed and Alegis Gensan


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Sorry for posting here but the PMs arnt working, it seems.




ANYWAY, I just checked my old mail and got this





Alegis Gensan has just tried to send you a private message. However,

your private messages box on LucasForums has reached the specified quota.

In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some

messages. Please visit this page to do so:








Jed has just tried to send you a private message. However,

your private messages box on LucasForums has reached the specified quota.

In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some

messages. Please visit this page to do so:








Could you please contact me in AIM or MSN or E-Mail with what you wanted to say?



AIM- RpTheHotrod

MSN- dangearn22@hotmail.com

Yahoo- rpthehotrod


email- dangearn22@hotmail.com

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I'm pretty sure Jed, and Alegis Gensan both have e-mail accounts linked in their profiles, but I understand your reason for posting this. Don't take this personal, but i'm gonna close this, because it is not really a discussion topic. If you don't get a hold of them via e-mail, just pm me, and i'll attempt to contact them for you. Try to remember that your outbox needs to be emptied from time to time as well.


Warm Regards,


Grooveh :cool:

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