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Monkey Island goes Online???

Lecter 66

Would you like Monkey Island to go online???  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like Monkey Island to go online???

    • Yes- It would be a fairly good idea, sounds fun
    • No- I just want simple piratey fun with Guybrush
    • Maybe- I'm not sure, sounds good but then not
    • I don't know- Speaks for itself

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I was reading an article on http://www.scummbar.com about the possibilty of Monkey Island going online, as a massive multiplayer game. Could it work? Maybe


Think of the possibilities MI going Online, you could customize your character, fight in sea battles and sword-fights even chat with your friends (provided these options are in the game). Another like this is Yo Ho Ho Puzzle Pirates, where Tetris Puzzles are combined with the high seas, possibly not entertaining but this could be a foundation (also the subscription bill is a bit pricey) for a Monkey Island that goes online.


No! not Tetris Puzzles but the chance to have your own crew, sail to whatever island you want, meet Mi characters, visit famous locations and be your own pirate.


Again I'll say that at this moment there is and might never be a possibility of an MI Online game, but the mind boggles with items to go in the game think: Fully explorable islands, drinking contest, proper graphics......

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Ick. No, just no. Adventure genres aren't able to go online, and Monkey Island does NOT need to convert to RPG. Not only that, but I would hate to have to go online just to fully play the game. It's usually fun to do things by yourself and not have an online requirement for a 100% completion. Sorry to be so hard on you, but if you can't tell, I hate MMORPGs with a firey red passion.


...and I have no idea why I am posting again after two years. O_o


*disappears into the darkness from whence he came...for another two years...*

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I do actually like the idea. I normally wouldn't but that artical sold it for me.


I'm not talking about a Monkey island adventure game per se, but basically, an MMORPG set in the world of monkey island, with loads of very piraty things to do like pillaging and making crews and going around different islands doing loadsa stuff. The best thing would be mounds and mounds of treasure. there could be actual treasure maps that could be found in secret places in buildings, or bought from shady looking characters on the street, and then you actually have to follow the map correctly to find the treasure, then get a bunch of people together to dig it up and stuff, and then the money would be split among you guys (and of course, everyone helping you would be actual online players, so you can talk to them all and stuff). and then the spend all your time making money and making alliances in different ways, and then get a ship and set up a crew and go searching for the lost island of the monkey (Monkey Island... duh!). nd then, when and if you get there, you're attacked by the Cannibles and Lechuck and so on, and you have to find the root and convince the cannibles to make the root juice for you and then you attack the undead and lechuck and so on.

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I do actually like the idea. I normally wouldn't but that artical sold it for me.


I'm not talking about a Monkey island adventure game per se, but basically, an MMORPG set in the world of monkey island, with loads of very piraty things to do like pillaging and making crews and going around different islands doing loadsa stuff. The best thing would be mounds and mounds of treasure. there could be actual treasure maps that could be found in secret places in buildings, or bought from shady looking characters on the street, and then you actually have to follow the map correctly to find the treasure, then get a bunch of people together to dig it up and stuff, and then the money would be split among you guys (and of course, everyone helping you would be actual online players, so you can talk to them all and stuff). and then the spend all your time making money and making alliances in different ways, and then get a ship and set up a crew and go searching for the lost island of the monkey (Monkey Island... duh!). nd then, when and if you get there, you're attacked by the Cannibles and Lechuck and so on, and you have to find the root and convince the cannibles to make the root juice for you and then you attack the undead and lechuck and so on.

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It'd be good as long as the player character wasn't Guybrush, so the narrative flow stays.


Also, I'd practically DEMAND the ability to visit every single location from the past 4 games, from the cliff on Booty to the clearing on Blood...even the tunnels under Dinky and LeChuck's fortress itself (it'd be a STUPID visit, yes, but...).

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For me, this would only work if the graphics were really good and beautiful. Like, you look out at the calm ocean from a tropical beach, and you just say - wow, this is beautiful! Playing Halo made me think that all the time, especially the big out door levels. It would be really cool to have sorta a replication of the whole Carribean islands plus all the monkey island locations, all set in the time of pirates and everything. And there would have to be lots of fun and interesting stuff to do...sorta like it was sailing around in zelda: wind waker. then it could definately work

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I was thinking, it doesn't have to be exactly MI, but a pirate game online would be cool. But adding the islands would be a great touch anyways :)


Maybe they should put this as a little MI side project, and also work on a normal MI5, now that would totally work for me.

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