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Outta here.

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Well, everything's pretty much packed. I'm moving tomorrow into my new place. Everything should go well (it's really not that far a move, just a lot of stuff), but if past history has taught me anything there will be delays in getting my internet and phone hooked up, so I may be incommunicado until Monday.


Wish me luck.

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Well, everything's pretty much packed. I'm moving tomorrow into my new place. Everything should go well (it's really not that far a move, just a lot of stuff), but if past history has taught me anything there will be delays in getting my internet and phone hooked up, so I may be incommunicado until Monday.


Wish me luck.

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Actually, I'm just down the street from my old place, but much higher (eleventh floor :D ). It's wierd that the rent here is lower while the place looks so much better.


The phone company wasn't a problem, nor was the internet or hydro. I am, OTOH, gonna have to wait until Sunday for the cable guy. No InuYasha this week. :Pout1:


I have a great view. I can see the top of the Parliament Buildings' Peace Tower to the north, a forest of construction cranes to the west, and I can just make out part of Ottawa U's Arts Building to the east.


Also, I need curtains.


*wonders what DVD to re-watch tonight*

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Oh cool, so you're actually downtown.

Did you check out that new apartement near OttawaU where the old houses use to be? Looks neat but expensive. But I figure you wouldn't want to live close to that hell hole of a university. :p


As for the DVD, go to China Town (or as I like to call it: "China Street") and pick up Zatoichi in the DVD store after the gas station on Sommerset, past Bronson. There's also a bunch of Anime. But I'm pretty sure you already know of this.

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