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Only Assimilating Errors...


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I'm working on animating an importing a vehicle into JA, I've got everything set up unanimated with all the proper tags, structure and a single bone "pelvis" that everything is weighted to. In assimilate i get the error vert (4) on mesh "pelvis" has no weights. im stumpted because i know pelvis isn't a mesh but rather a bone. im sure its something stupid i'm overlooking. what's my problem. :confused:






.:Level Design

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no it is definitly a bone. In the Schematic View it shows the bone symbol not mesh. its a bone no doubt. i used duncan's tutorial for importing and followed everything word for word, except for the words that were mispelled. ;) the only problem i can think of is the part names. i have body then linked underneath that a ton of other parts. im not sure if i have to name them body_whatever or not. i'll fix that at least and go from there. im also looking for a tutorial on boning and weighting animated models. i have a good idea of how it works i just want to double check a few things and i haven't been able to find anything on the subject.






Level Design

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i tried that but the xsi importer plugin i have won't work. i've tried a few different ones. i have max4, and all the ones i found were for max 5... oh yeah and listen to this i have new problem now. i have everything weighted including dummies and when i move the bone everything moves with it except for the dummies and its showing two models in the top right and front views like the whole thing got cloned or something. but it doesn't show double in perspective view. i'm not giving up yet but this is definitely getting frustrating. :confused:






Level Design

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Yeah that's how they are, i mean they have no weights and XSI (or the plugin) seems to convert bones into dummy objects now...which is pretty stupid if you ask me.


But the hierarchy should still be there...like model_root, skeleton_root, mesh_root etc.


If you think you have a duplicate object, press H and check the list to see if it's really there.

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well ok that all makes sense, the double vision was just a glitch in max probably due to lack of memory. everything's definitly set up right i just can't figure out why it says my bone needs to be weighted. i guess there's no simple solution to this "common" problem. i should know by now nothing in this business is simple. thanks for your help, i'll just go back to doing what i always do, figure it out on my own. :violin: yeah i know its a sad story, but dont worry i'll be ok.

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If your dummies are considered as bone objects, then they shouldnt be weighted (cuz they are supposed to be bones)


Maybe you didnt link the hierarchy right with the root objects, check one of the vehicles you imported in schematic view, it'll clearly show how they are linked together.


Like the pelvis is linked to skeleton_root...and so on.


Try the naming conventions for meshes and bones:


like hips, head, torso for meshes and their bones could be named pelvis, cranium, thoracic.

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