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Most fun path?


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i know this is probably a very hard question because people have differant opinions but i'm just starting and i want to know apart from a fighting path what is most fun to do and what has exciting moments?


thanks i just want opinions i'm not looking for anything else :)

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... tough one.


with my character i have done multiple paths.

first i went up artisan to architect to provide my guild with a guild hall. although my guild helped me cash wise for all the harvester upkeep.... it is tough for a month after the game is out to be on your own in the wilderness of naboo with only pistols 3 looking for recources :)


but today everything is a lot easier on the starting planets. now the trouble for crafcters start if they get their own recources on planets like: Yavin4, Lok, endor, dathomir ...


i done most of the crafting profession except chef. altho i heard that its a real money bringer if you put some effort into it.


from all of them i like architect the most.. its pretty basic and not tough at all. the only downside is the huge quantities of recources you need to get a succesfull business.


i liked tailor. all the colors you could get for clothes. i did it at the same time with armorsmith. cause when you do armorsmith you need tailor :) unless you have a friend who gets you the stuff.

and if your good at armosmith you could make a fortune. but its not quite me :)


droidengineer.... i tried it came quite far. even tho i loved making the droids... i thought there were TO many components... you couldnt see wich was what. in my opinion at least. but again. if you are good at it you could really make some money.



well that was my crafting opinions.

for medic/doc/combat medic.... i also tried those :)

in fact im still a master medic and doctor. i love healing people. when im waiting for a shuttle and someone stands close to me with wounds i heal them. i used to buff people aswell. but i got into some verbal fights with other doctors. they thought i was destroying their business. because im probably the cheapest doctor in the galaxy with good quality buffs. i charged 6000 credits for a full set of 2200 extra points for 3 hours. while other buffed almost the same for 8000, 10000 and now even 15000 credits for a full set. people told me not to care what other people say. but i dont need that stuff having a fight with docs all the time. so i stopped buffing other people.

i still love doc and my god i hope they nerf the bufs gooood. so healing will be so essential in combat that i can go hunting again.


combat medic. is pretty cool. healing people from some distance. applying poison... or disease. if your good you can really make a difference in combat PVE or PVP :) but... you are able to heal other peoples mind... but not your own... so i gave it up :)


thats medic/doc/CM....entertainer...

i never got up to: novice ID, music or dancer.

i however did go up the entertainer tree reaching music 4 and dancing 4. i must say that i love music the most. altho footloose1 is a cool dance :p i play music to get away from it all. its not that i do it because i always want to play music. no i only played it because i wanted something else beside all the killling, crafting and all the stuff :)

on Image Designer i have no opinion cause i never tried it.


so thats my views on all non combat professions :)

and these are my chars (i have 2)


Corzip Dinn (main)

Master medic

Master Doctor

Master pistoleer

Scout hunting 1


Atex Dinn

Master artisan

Master merchant

Master Architect

entertainer music 4, dancing 3, entertainment healing 3


hope i gave you some view :p


Wraith 8

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wow thanks! you've given me exactly what i wanted i'll probably enjoy being a doctor most but first i've got to get my CD key problem fixed, i've tried everything i've been told to do but no ones giving me my new key :(

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