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Question about models


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Forgive me if I posted this in the wrong place. I have never tried to make a model myself (can't afford the programs needed) so I have to hope that those who have made some release the ones I would make myself if I could. However, having said that I have notice a very common problem with almost every model I see out there. On Jedi Academy when using dual sabers, when I either taunt or use the Barrier move the same glitch happens. My best description of it i can manage is it's like the model is holding the lightsaber wrong. When taunting the primary lightsaber will act normaly while the other stands straight up and through the models' arm. When doing the Barrier move one lightsaber flys around the model while the other does not, he continues to hold it in his hand. I know these are only cosmetic and do not really effect gameplay that I am aware of, but bugs the heck out of me none the less. Why is this such a common problem with almost every model? And can it be fixed easily? I thank anybody willing to take the time and help me with this issue.:deathii:

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