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More portraits.


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I just started reskinning kotor today (ths for all your answers). Ive made some reskins already, but i seem to be only able to overwrite the portraits already in game, as someone suggested, dumping the tgas in the Override directory.


Is there any way where i can add a new portrait, instead of overwriting the existing ones? Also, where can i find the file for the little picture portrait (the one that appears in the bottom left of the gaming screen)? As so far ive edited the model face, but was unable to find the other little portrait.



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Originally posted by Immortality

I just started reskinning kotor today (ths for all your answers). Ive made some reskins already, but i seem to be only able to overwrite the portraits already in game, as someone suggested, dumping the tgas in the Override directory.


Is there any way where i can add a new portrait, instead of overwriting the existing ones? Also, where can i find the file for the little picture portrait (the one that appears in the bottom left of the gaming screen)? As so far ive edited the model face, but was unable to find the other little portrait.




Bienvenida Immortality :)


To add new selectable PCs, look at this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=126215

You find more links in T7's sticky: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=124284


For the little picture that appears on the screen, look at step 6 in my "how to recruit a npc in less than 10 steps" tutorial, it's all in there:


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