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UK/Europe Stock levels/CD Key update

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

As those of you living in Europe know.. there have been major problems finding Galaxies and when you did, having the correct CD key.


I have just been informed that this has been corrected and new stocks are being sent out this month(August 04) to meet demands and also to pave the way for 14 day trial in the UK, which will be on cover mount CDs.


If you still are having problems, please post in the relevant thread



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  • 2 weeks later...

Im struggling to find it as well, Spoke to someone at game and they said they knew it was resolved and that all they could do was wait on activision on sending the stock back out again.

Ive been checking thier website, play.com, gameplay.co.uk and special reserve to see if its in yet and no joy so far.


I played the trial up until the 28th, when it ran out, so im pretty close to that month limit of keeping profiles, and i'd be pretty unhappy if I lost my hard work as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

The 14 day trial can be found on PC GAMER magazine in the UK. Stock IS slowing hitting retail priced @ £19.99


Where are you finding it at £19.99?


All the stores seem to be putting their prices up. GAME is now £29.99 online (probably more in-store). Play is now £24.99 instead of £17.99.

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Guest DarthMaulUK



Its surprising to see websites like Amazon VERY slow to react to the new price point of Galaxies. It's been reduced to £19.99 since March this year.


It's really a case of hassling your local computer store and also speaking with their Head Office to put their buying departments under pressure.


I will let Activision know of the stock issues again.



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The strange thing is GAME did have it at £19.99 on the website before and Play had it at £17.99. For some reason they (and others) have seen fit to put the price up when they got new stock in (though GAME still says it's out of stock).


I'll try in-store again at the weekend but last weekend I couldn't find a single copy in several stores I tried.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DarthMaulUK

£9.99 must have been a misprice but hey...it certainly is a bargain!


PCZONE has a 14 day trial on its cover mount currently.



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